81/2971 Incunabula and early 16th cent books Den oorspronck onser salicheyt
81/2971 Incunabula and early 16th cent books  Den oorspronck onser salicheyt
81/2971 Incunabula and early 16th cent books  Den oorspronck onser salicheyt
81/2971 Incunabula and early 16th cent books  Den oorspronck onser salicheyt
81/2971 Incunabula and early 16th cent books  Den oorspronck onser salicheyt
81/2971 [Incunabula and early 16th cent. books]. Den oorspronck onser salicheyt. Antw., J. van Doesborch, (1517), 176 (of 190) lvs., woodcut title printed in red and black, 177 woodcut ills. of various sizes, modern antique-style blindst. and panelled calf w. brass clasps and catches, modern drop back velvet lined calf box, 4to.

- Lacks quires B, C and lvs. D1 and D4; leaf L6 misbound; title and first 3 textp. lack portion in centre (professionally restored and missing text and parts of woodcuts supplied in manuscript pen and ink); blank margins of first 7 p. strengthened/ remargined.

= Very rare work by Antwerp publisher Jan van Doesborch, only 5 copies found in libraries/ institutions (most also incomplete). Only 1 copy in JAP 1990-2024. Richly illustrated in the style of a Biblia pauperum, starting from the Creation until the Day of Judgment, with a strong emphasis on the lives of Jesus Christ and Mary. Nijhoff/ Kronenburg 1628. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXIII.

€ (5.000-7.000) 5000