81 5074 Persian miniatures Anonymous 19th cent
81 5074 Persian miniatures  Anonymous 19th cent
81 5074 Persian miniatures  Anonymous 19th cent
81/5074 [Persian miniatures]. Anonymous (19th cent.). (Sagittarius). Persian miniature painting, natural pigments and gold on vellum paper, 19,4x29,4 cm., laid down on board.

- A fingernail size worn spot in top margin; a few small shaved spots in surrounding borders and some tiny flaked areas in blue swirling lines.

= Provenance: J.W. Niemeijer (director of the Rijksprentenkabinet from 1974-1990, and born in the sign of Sagittarius). Remarkable and very attractive richly decorated miniature, showing Sagittarius in the central panel surrounded by birds perched upon vine leaves with hanging bunches of grapes; this central panel is flanked on the left and right side by an intricate pattern of flowers, leaves, tiny dots and swirling decorated blue lines on gilt ground. Possibly one of a complete series of the signs of the Zodiac. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LX.

€ (1.000-1.500)