76 1706 Microscopy Baker H
76 1706 Microscopy  Baker H
76 1706 Microscopy  Baker H
76/1706 [Microscopy]. Baker, H. Het Microscoop gemakkelyk gemaakt of Beschryving Van de Beste en Nieuwste Microscoopen, en van derzelver Behandeling. Als mede een Berigt van de Verbaazende Ontdekkingen gedaan met Vergrootglazen. Amst., I. Tirion, 1744, 1st Dutch ed., (24),300,(16)p., engr. title-vignette and 14 fold. plates, fold. table, contemp. mottled calf w. gilt spine.

- A few scattered libr. stamps on first free endpaper and title. Paper over covers partly worn off; top of spine chipped.

= Poggendorff I, p.91; Bierens de Haan 2162; Nissen ZBI, 202; DSB I, p.410ff: "(...) he is especially noted for his popularization of the use of the microscope and for his contribution to the study of chrystals. (...) The first edition of The microscope made easy appeared in 1742; it ran to five editions in Baker's lifetime and was translated into several foreign languages. (...) Henry Baker was in many respects a typical natural philosopher of the eighteenth century. His interest ranged widely, and his skills were equally various: he was by no means dedicated to one branch of study, nor did he do research in modern sense. Yet he deserved the title "a philosopher in little things"; and he had the rare gift of communicating his knowledge of, and above all his enthusiasm for, the microscope to others. (...) He regarded the microscope with reverence, as a means to the deeper appreciation of the wonders of God's world."

€ (120-150) 120