76 1897 Amsterdam and surroundings Commelin C
76 1897 Amsterdam and surroundings  Commelin C
76 1897 Amsterdam and surroundings  Commelin C
76/1897 [Amsterdam and surroundings]. Commelin, C. Beschryvinge van Amsterdam, Desselfs eerste oorspronk uyt den Huyse der Heeren van Aemstel en Aemstellant; met een Verhaal Van haar Leven en dappere Krijgsdaden; Amsterdams kleyne Beginselen; Oudheyt, Bemuring, en verscheyde Vergrootingen: De gelegenheyt en hoedanigheyt der Stad, de voornaamste Gebouwen, en wijze van Regeeringe. Beneffens een historisch Verhaal, vervattenede 't geene in, en om de zelve, van den beginne af, tot in den Jare 1691 toe, is voorgevallen./ Vervolg van de Beschryving der Stadt Amsterdam (...). Amst., Wolfgang, Waasberge, Boom, Van Someren and Goethals, 1693, 1st ed., 2 vols., (18),528; (2),529-1223,(41)p., engr. frontisp., diff. woodcut coats of arms on each title, 32 (of 52) (double-p./ fold.) maps/ plans/ plates, num. (half-p.) textengrs., woodcut textills., contemp. unif. mottled calf w. gilt spine and red mor. letterpiece, folio.

- Lacks 20 plates; waterstained in margins at the beginning and end (occas. also affecting plates); some textleaves dam./ frayed; a few leaves loose at beginning of vol.1. Joints and spine-ends restored; corners worn.

= The first edition of the best 17th cent. description of Amsterdam, based on the works by the predecessors Dapper and Van Domselaar and on materials furnished by the author's father Isaac Commelin. The author (1636-1693) had free access to the archives of the city and therefore his work contains much more reliable sources and official documents than the works by Dapper and Van Domselaar. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 66/ 67; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 116.

€ (300-500) 300