75/2551 World War II Two letters and one card signed by Lore Sieskind / Gerhard Rolf Rothmann and Heinz Moses Otto Vallinga / Gerhard en Isakov ? the first letter w envelope
75/2551 [World War II]. Two letters and one card signed by "Lore (Sieskind)"/ "(Gerhard) Rolf Rothmann" and "Heinz Moses (Otto Vallinga)"/ "Gerhard en Isakov(?)", the first letter w. envelope, to "Beste Hennie"/ "Beste vrienden" and "Waarde Familie Vallinga"/ "Fam. Herman Smies", dated "22-III-45"/ "21.VII.45"/ "17.II.1945", pen and blue/ black ink, 2 lvs., recto only/ 3 lvs., recto and verso/ card, recto and verso, envelope addressed to "Mrs Hennie Smits", pencil/ pen and ink, recto and verso.

= Lore Sieskind was a member of the "Westerweelgroep", a Dutch resistance group founded in August 1942, helping so-called "Palestine pioneers" escape deportation to Kamp Westerbork and make their way to Palestine through France and Spain. After her arrest by the Nazi Security Police in Haarlem and subsequent release, Sieskind was brought to Brussels by Joop Westerweel in November 1943, while Rothmann received help crossing the Dutch-Belgian border near Tilburg from Herman Smies' wife, Hennie Smies-Vallinga. In January 1944, Sieskind arrived in Bordeaux with Heinz Moses, also known as "Otto" Vallinga, and went on to Toulouse where they met Rothmann. Eventually reaching Cádiz, Sieskind and Rothmann boarded the "Guine" on October 26, 1944 and arrived in the port of Haifa a week later. In the second letter, Rothmann also mentions Frits Siesel, who escaped Westerbork on February 25, 1944 and had also arrived in Palestine.

€ (80-100) 160