- Fine copy. = M. Fürst (Grieshaber Katalog) 113; Lutze (Horst Antes Catalogue de l'oeuvre gravé) 1.
AND 3 others, i.a. HANS ARP. Ed. C. Hopfengart a.o. (Ostfildern, 1994, num. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Fine).
- Two tipped-in plates reattached . With doublet stamp of the Rosa Spierhuis on title-page. Wr. (especially spine) foxed and sl. dam.
- Spine dam.; wr. vaguely waterst.
- Bookblock broken; wr. loose and torn in half. Sold w.a.f.
= One of 15 numbered deluxe copies on handmade paper, yet not bound in halfvellum as indicated.
- Owner's entry on first free endpaper. Covers soiled/ worn.
= With stamp of H.Th. Wijdeveld on upper pastedown.
AND 9 others, partly by the same, i.a. IDEM, Concerto Grosso (Lage Vuursche, 1944, orig. hcl.); Verzamelde Artikelen over de kultuur en wetenschap in het nieuw Rusland (Rott., n.d., plates, orig. cl. With contributions by i.a. M. TER BRAAK, P. ALMA, L. SAALBORN and H.P. BERLAGE) and G.J.A. SMIT Jr., Een kwart eeuw in en met de Algemeene. Gedenkboek van de Algemeene Nederlandsche Bond van Handels- en Kantoorbedienden (Amst., 1931, plates, orig. cl.).
= Provenance: the collection of Johan Deumens.
- A few plates (vaguely) waterst., sl. frayed and dogeared. Large waterstains on frontcover portfolio; ties broken.
= Second, reduced size edition of this important work on and by America's most famous architect. Sweeney 87 (note).
- All leaves loose and trifle frayed. = Rare.
- Covers sl. rubbed along extremities; outer corners worn.
= Künstlerhefte. 8. Sonderheft der Architektur des XX.Jahrhunderts. Sweeney 101.
AND 2 others by the same: The Natural House (New York, 1954, orig. cl. w. (worn/ sl. dam.) dustwr, 4to) and The Living City (New York, 1958, orig. cl. w. (sl. worn) dustwr., 4to).
- A few sm. stains on backwrapper. Otherwise fine.
Talliesin Drawings. Recent architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright selected from his Drawing. Comments by E. Kaufmnn, Jr. New York, Wittenborn, Schultz, Inc, 1952, 62,(1)p., num. ills., orig. wr., obl. 4to.
- Owner's entry on title-p. Frontwr. sl. dulled and sl. rubbed along extremities.
= Problems of Contemporary Art no.6.
AND 4 others, i.a. Y. FUTAGAWA and A. ISOZAKI, Frank Lloyd Wright Johnson & Son, Administration Building and Research Tower (..) 1936-9 (Tokyo, 1970, richly illustrated, orig. wr., folio. Global Architecture No.1); THE WORK OF FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT. Introd. H.Th. Wijdeveld (New York, 1965, reprint of the Wendingen edition, richly illustrated, orig. hcl. w. dustwr., folio. Dustwr. frayed) and B. BROOKS PFEIFFER, Treasures of Taliesin (...) (London, 1985, richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., obl. folio).
- Board box trifle dampstained. Fine copy.
- Contents trifle foxed. A fine copy.
= Le Coultre 7/3-9e. "This book consists of seven special numbers of the art magazine Wendingen" (colophon). With contributions by H.Th. Wijdeveld, F.L. Wright, L. Mumford, H.P. Berlage, J.J.P. Oud, R. Mallet Stevens, E. Mendelsohn and L.J. Sullivan.
= The original edition of the "standard dictionary of Dutch and Flemish artists" (Arntzen/ Rainwater E135). Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek, w. his bookplate in each vol.
= Although other people mentioned in the colophon, probably entirely conceived by the artist Boudewijn van der Waarden (?-2019).
- Owner's entry on title-pages. All wr. (sl.) yellowed and read out of shape; worn/ rubbed along extremities; some spine-ends (sl.) dam. and wr. loose(ning).
= A complete set (12 vols. were announced, only 10 were published). 1. C.J. GRAADT VAN ROGGEN, Het linnen venster (wr. loose and dam.); 2. L.J. JORDAAN, Dertig jaar film (supplied in 2 copies); 3. H. SCHOLTE, Nederlandsche filmkunst; 4. Th.B.F. HOYER, Russische filmkunst; 5. S. COSTER, Duitsche filmkunst; 6. E. DE ROOS, Fransche filmkunst; 7. J.F. OTTEN, Amerikaansche filmkunst; 8. M. TER BRAAK, De absolute film (frontwr. dam. in lower left corner); 9. C. VAN WESSEM, De komische film (wr. loose and dam.) and 10. L. LICHTVELD, De geluidsfilm (wr. and spine w. sellotape). Broos/ Hefting, Grafische vormgeving p.82; Brentjens p.228f; W.L. & J. Brusse p.46 and 207; Andel p.304; Purvis p.155f.
"Fotomontage was een techniek die Piet Zwart ook toepaste bij het ontwerpen van boekomslagen, waarvan de meest bekende wel die voor de 'filmboekjes' zijn. Bij W.L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappij te Rotterdam verschenen tussen 1931 en 1933 tien deeltjes in de serie "Monografieën over Filmkunst", onder redactie van de jeugdige Mr. C.J. Graadt van Roggen. (...) Piet Zwart maakte zijn omslagen in twee kleuren, rood en blauw, maar verhoogde het effect door vaak ingewikkelde combinaties van fotomontage en dubbeldruk. Een vast terugkerend element is het woord 'film' en de titel van het boekje in een witte strook (...)" (Broos p.72). "Zwart's most important work for the publisher W.L. & J. Brusse of Rotterdam was a ten-part series of monographs on the film arts (...). These rank among his finest work, and bring into focus many of the earlier experiments. Montage and multiple layers of ink are used throughout. (...) The play factor reigns, and all stops are pulled out with every conceivable contrast - size, color, direction, shape, and number, as the images almost reach the realm of film itself" (Purvis p.77f). "Piet Zwart utilises a spectrum of cinematic imagery in his design for a series of ten monographs on new directions in cinema published by W.L. & J. Brusse in Rotterdam between 1931 and 1933. Zwart employed images of film-strips, movie cameras, and projectors, formal devices such as multiple exposures and overprinting, and frames from slapstick comedy to documentary films. He therefore summarized the cinematic and photographic ideas that influenced avant-garde page design during the 1920s and 1930s" (Andel p.299).