Page 3 of 27 Results 41 - 60 of 539
81 443 Arntz G  IJzerman A W 81 443 Arntz G IJzerman A W
81 443 Arntz G  IJzerman A W 81 443 Arntz G IJzerman A W
81/ 443 [Arntz, G.]. IJzerman, A.W. De 80-jarige oorlog. Leyden, H.E. Stenfert Kroese, 1948, 55,(1)p., num. (col.) isotype graphics by G. ARNTZ, orig. pict. wr., 4to.

- Contents w. sl. crease in upper outer corner; backwr. nibbled by silverfish.

= Publication by the Nederlandsche Stichting voor Statistiek, predecessor of the CBS.

AND 1 other similar: The German exploitation of the Netherlands in figures and facts (The Hague, 1945, photogr. plates, col. isotype ills., sm. 8vo).

€ (30-50) 30
81 444 Art & Project Bulletin 81 444 Art & Project Bulletin
81 444 Art & Project Bulletin 81 444 Art & Project Bulletin
81/ 444 Art & Project. Bulletin. Amst., Art & Project, 1969-1988, 156 issues, (col.) ills., orig. unif. wr., 4to.

= VERY RARE COMPLETE RUN. The shape of a gallery bulletin, but all contributions of the artists were made for this publication only and the majority can be seen as art prints or conceptual art. I.a. w. contributions by Carl Andre (1x), Ger van Elk (8x), Stanley Brouwn (5x), Robert Barry (3x) Hanne Darboven (2x), Francesco Clemente (3x), Jan Dibbets (3x), Daniel Buren (2x), Barry Flanagan (2x); Gilbert & George (3x), Douglas Huebler, Richard Long (7x), Peter Struycken (2x), Lawrence Weiner (4x). Present are no. 1-23 (no. 24 was not published at the request of the artist), 25-157 (no.157 supplied in 2 copies, incl. a working copy for the publisher). Including the inventory list. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE I.

WITH 17 unfolded plano issues: no. 110-112, 114, 115, 117-127 and 156 and with a small stack of additional booklets (14x), picture postcards (±60) etc. as published by Art & Project, i.a. R. LONG, From Around a Lake (1973, 300 copies, orig. (soiled) wr., narrow 8vo) and F. CLEMENTE, Undae Clemente Flamina Pulsae (1978, 16 loosely inserted col. offset plates, 800 copies, orig. (foxed) cl., sm. 8vo). - AND WITH 2 others on Art & Project, i.a. T. GEERTS a.o., Art & Project. Een geschiedenis (Rott./ Otterlo, 2023, profusely illustrated, orig. wr., 4to).

€ (8.000-10.000)
81/445 L'Art d'aujourd'hui Année MCMXXVIII  Printemps 81/445 L'Art d'aujourd'hui Année MCMXXVIII Printemps
81/ 445 L'Art d'aujourd'hui. Année MCMXXVIII - Printemps. Paris, A. Morancé, 1928, (2),10,(4)p., 20 plates after G. ROUAULT, K. VAN DONGEN (incl. 1x pochoir col.), G. GOUNARO and M. MARINOT, loose as issued in orig. wr., 4to.

= DE LUXE edition printed on Vélin d'Arches in 105 numb. copies, but without the 2 col. plates after G. Rouault called for in the colophon.

AND 3 others: LES ALBUMS DRUET. No.3 (Van Gogh), 7 (Monet) and 8 (Courbet) (Paris, n.d., 3 vols., plates, orig. unif. wr., sm. folio).

€ (60-80) 350
81 446 Artisjok Driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor hedendaagse kunsten No 1 5 all published 81 446 Artisjok Driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor hedendaagse kunsten No 1 5 all published
81/ 446 Artisjok. Driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor hedendaagse kunsten. No.1-5 [all published]. Antw., Werner Spillemaeckers, 1968-1968, 5 vols., plates, ills, orig. unif. wr.

= Flemish art and literary quarterly. Contributions by i.a. Freddy de Vree, Ivo Vroom, Hubert Decleer, Buckinx, du Plessis, W. Jensma, H.-F. Jespers, Ben Klein, Phil Mertens, Filip Tas, R. Witse, Patrick Conrad and Bob de Nijs. The 4th issue contains a loosely inserted silkscreen plate by GUY VANDENBRANDEN.

€ (100-150) 100
81 447 Artists' manuals  Leeuwen K van 81 447 Artists' manuals Leeuwen K van
81/ 447 [Artists' manuals]. Leeuwen, K. van. Letterboek voor den teekenaar en ambachtsman. Bennekom, G. Schreuders, (1907), (4)textp., 54 col. lithogr. plates w. accomp. text, loose as issued in orig. dec. clothbacked board portfolio, obl. folio.

- Three plates sl. fingersoiled. Lacks ties; binding rubbed.

€ (50-70) 60
81/448 Artzien Monthly review of art in Amsterdam No 1 28 all published 81/448 Artzien Monthly review of art in Amsterdam No 1 28 all published
81/ 448 Artzien. Monthly review of art in Amsterdam. No.1-28 [all published]. Amst., 1978-1982, 28 parts in 25 vols., num. ills., orig. unif. wr.

= Edited by Harry Ruhé and Michael Gibbs. I.a. articles and contributions by/ on Nan Hoover, Fluxfest in Enschede, Pieter Mol, Hezy Leskly, Ulises Carrion, Peter Baren (cyclostyled lvs. w. marker pen), Lawrence Weiner. "Artzien will provide a platform, not only for coverage of current exhibitions and events, but also for criticism and debate" (Michael Gibbs in issue 1).

€ (300-500) 300
81/449 Bacon F  Francis Bacon 81/449 Bacon F Francis Bacon
81/449 Bacon F  Francis Bacon 81/449 Bacon F Francis Bacon
81/ 449 [Bacon, F.]. Francis Bacon. (Paris), Maeght, Derrière le Miroir, 1966, 1st ed., (3),24,(1)p., 7 (full-/ double-p./ fold.) col. plates (incl. wr.) by F. BACON, (col.) ills., printed in 150 numb. copies, in olive green board chemise and slipcase w. printed title-piece on upper cover, folio.

- Fine copy of the deluxe edition. This copy is an unnumb. "H.C." copy.


€ (400-600) 650
81 450 Baldini U and Casazza O 81 450 Baldini U and Casazza O
81 450 Baldini U and Casazza O 81 450 Baldini U and Casazza O
81/ 450 Baldini, U. and Casazza, O. La Cappella Brancacci. Milan, Olivetti/ Electa, 1990, 377,(3)p., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Castelnuovo, E. (ed.). Ambrogio Lorenzetti. Il buon governo. Ibid., Electa, 1995, 399,(1)p., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Cordaro, M. (ed.). Mantegna's Camera degli Sposi. Milan/ New York, Electa/ Abbeville, 1993, 267,(1)p., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 8 others on Italian renaissance, i.a. J. MARTINEAU (ed.), Andrea Mantegna (Milan, 1992, richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to); M. DI GIAMPAOLO, Beccafumi (ibid., 1998, richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., slipcase, 4to) and D. COLE AHL, Benozzo Gozzoli (New Haven/ London, 1996, richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).

- Mostly w. owner's entry on upper pastedown or first blank.

€ (80-100) 110
81 451 Balniel Lord and Clark K  ed  81 451 Balniel Lord and Clark K ed
81/ 451 Balniel, Lord and Clark, K. (ed.). A commemorative catalogue of the exhibition of Italian art (...) London, (...) 1930. London/ Oxford, University Press/ Humphrey Milford, 1931, 2 vols., text vol. XXVIII,350p., col. frontisp.; plate vol. XIV textp., 252 monochr. plates, orig. unif. gilt cl., folio. Commemorative catalogue of the exhibition of Dutch art (...) London, (...) 1929. Introd. C. Holmes. Ibid., idem, 1930, XXX,312p., tipped-in col. frontisp., 120 plates, bound unif. w. the preceding, t.e.g., folio.

- All vols. occas. sl. foxed; owner's entry on upper pastedown. Spines sunned.

€ (40-60) 40
81 452 Bann S 81 452 Bann S
81/ 452 Bann, S. Ein Projekt für das Bankhaus Schröder Münchmeyer Hengst & Co. Ian Hamilton Finlay mit Pia Maria Simig und Nicholas Sloan. N.pl., Wild Hawthorn Press, 1995, (4),16p., 1 fold. phtogr. plate and (full-p.) photogr. ills. by W.J. HANNAPPEL, orig. wr. Tjan, R. (ed.). Wallace Berman. Support the Revolution. Amst., Institute of Contemporary Art, 1992, 183p., (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., large 8vo. - AND 9 others, incl. small publications, i.a. by/ on Pavel Büchler, Hanne Hagenaars, Ilya Kabakov, Anouk Kruithof and Ulay.

= Provenance: the collection of Johan Deumens.

€ (60-80)
81 453 Banner F 81 453 Banner F
81/ 453 Banner, F. All the World's Fighter Planes. N.pl., Vanity Press, 2004, (2),154p., (col.) photogr. ills., orig. wr. Lachenmeier, R. Pieces of Amsterdam. N.pl., the artist, 2000, (28)p., col. ills., orig. wr., 4to. (Dokumentation 6). Vries, M. de (ed.). Peter L.M. Giele, Verzamelde werken. Amst., Aksant, 2003, (2),162,(6)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. wr., 4to. Mignot, D. (ed.). Gerry Schum. Amst., Stedelijk Museum, 1979, 80p., (col.) ills., orig. wr., 4to. (Catalogue no.666). - AND 15 others similar, mainly smaller publications, i.a. by Frans Baake, Christiane Baumgartner, Veronique Bourgoin, Anouk Kruithof, Sarah Lucas, Marcelino Stuhmer, Saliou Traoré, Ulay and Ton Zwerver.

= Provenance: the collection of Johan Deumens.

€ (150-250)
81 454 Bauer M A J  Wisselingh E J van ed  81 454 Bauer M A J Wisselingh E J van ed
81/ 454 [Bauer, M.A.J.]. Wisselingh, E.J. van (ed.). M.A.J. Bauer. Zijn etswerk (his etched work). Amst., E.J. v. Wisselingh & Co., n.d. (1927-1933), 167 p., col. frontispiece by J. BAUER STUMPFF, 138 monochr. plates, orig. hcl., 4to.

= The standard catalogue, with the suppl. leaves with ills. and descriptions of Bauer's eight final etchings, six of which were published posthumously.

AND 9 others on the same, i.a. MARIUS BAUER 1867-1932 ORIËNTALIST (Zutphen, 2001, num. ills., orig. cl., obl. 8vo) and A. KRAAYENGA, Marius Bauer 1867-1932 (Zwolle, 2007, richly illustr., orig. hcl., large 4to).

€ (100-150)
81 455 Bauer M A J  Wisselingh E J van ed  81 455 Bauer M A J Wisselingh E J van ed
81/ 455 [Bauer, M.A.J.]. Wisselingh, E.J. van (ed.). M.A.J. Bauer. Zijn etswerk (his etched work). Amst., E.J. van Wisselingh & Co, n.d. (1927), 167,(6)p., col. frontisp., 138 monochr. plates, orig. red giltlettered buckram, 4to.

- Edges (sl.) browned; occas. trifle foxed. Covers sl. stained/ rubbed; spine sunned.

= The standard catalogue. With the suppl. leaves with ills. and descriptions of Bauer's 8 final etchings, six of which were published posthumously, supplied in photostat.

Werk van M. Bauer (Egypte - Voor-Indië). Veiling 17 april 1929, 3 uur. Amst., Frederik Muller & Co., 1929, 4p., 18 plates (some w. 2 ills.), orig. wr., folio.

- Flimsies browned, otherwise contents fine. Wr. browned and w. some (sm.) tears along the edges.

AND 5 others on M.A.J. BAUER, i.a. EXPOSITION RÉTROSPECTIVE. MARIUS BAUER 1867-1932 ORGANISÉ PAR LA VILLE D'AMSTERDAM (Paris, Galerie Jean Charpentier, 1933, various plates, orig. wr.) and A. KRAAYENGA, Marius Bauer 1867-1932. Oogstrelend Oosters (Zwolle, 2007, num. col. ills., orig. pict. hcl., folio).

€ (80-100) 80
81 456 Bauhausbücher  Gleizes A 81 456 Bauhausbücher Gleizes A
81 456 Bauhausbücher  Gleizes A 81 456 Bauhausbücher Gleizes A
81/ 456 [Bauhausbücher]. Gleizes, A. Kubismus. Ed. W. Gropius and L. Moholy-Nagy. Munich, A. Langen, (1928), 1st ed., 101,(3)p., 47 ills., orig. cl. by L. MOHOLY-NAGY.

- Without the dustwr.; frontcover sl. foxed along margins and w. sm. inkstain in upper left corner.

= Bauhausbücher 13; Landshoff p.140-143; Bolliger VI, 61.

€ (300-400)
81 457 Bauhausbücher  Gropius W  ed  81 457 Bauhausbücher Gropius W ed
81/ 457 [Bauhausbücher]. Gropius, W. (ed.). Internationale Architektur. Munich, A. Langen, (1927), 2nd rev., 111p., num. ills., typography and orig. cl. by L. MOHOLY-NAGY.

- Without dustwr.; contents trifle waterwrinkled along outer edge; owner's entry on title-p. Covers trifle fingersoiled along margins. Otherwise a fine copy.

= Bauhausbücher 1. Passuth p.52-54; Bolliger I, 34 and IV, 10a (both 1st ed.).

€ (250-350)
81 458 Bauhausbücher  Gropius W  introd  81 458 Bauhausbücher Gropius W introd
81 458 Bauhausbücher  Gropius W  introd  81 458 Bauhausbücher Gropius W introd
81/ 458 [Bauhausbücher]. Gropius, W. (introd.). Neue Arbeiten der Bauhauswerkstätten. Munich, A. Langen, (1925), 1st ed., 115,(1)p., num. (col.) ills., typography and orig. cl. by L. MOHOLY-NAGY.

- Without dustwr.; traces of erased (owner's entry on title-p. and verso of htitle. Sm. stain from former ticket in upper outer corner of frontcover; covers trifle foxed and sl. fingersoiled.

= Bauhausbücher 7. Passuth p.52-54; Bolliger I, 36; II, 23 and IV, 10f.

€ (250-350)
81 459 Bauhausbücher  Moholy Nagy L 81 459 Bauhausbücher Moholy Nagy L
81 459 Bauhausbücher  Moholy Nagy L 81 459 Bauhausbücher Moholy Nagy L
81/ 459 [Bauhausbücher]. Moholy-Nagy, L. Von Material zu Architektur. Munich, A. Langen, 1929, 241,(2)p., 209 ills., typography by L. MOHOLY-NAGY, bound by GENEVIÈVE VON HAHN in grey and red mor. w. vertical black peau-de-suède strip on frontcover, in matching slipcase.

= Bauhausbücher 14. Typographie kann unter Umständen Kunst sein, Ring 'neue werbegestalter' p.42; Bolliger I, 43; IV, 11 and VI, 72: "Das letzte und eines der seltensten Bauhaus-Bücher. "Eine Sammlung von Vorträgen Moholys während der Lehrzeit am Bauhaus 1923-1928. Themen: Erziehungsfragen. - Das Material. - Das Volumen (Plastik). - Der Raum (Architektur)."" SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE II.

€ (400-600) 400
81 460 Bauhausbücher  Oud J J 81 460 Bauhausbücher Oud J J
81 460 Bauhausbücher  Oud J J 81 460 Bauhausbücher Oud J J
81/ 460 [Bauhausbücher]. Oud, J.J. Holländische Architektur. Ed. W. Gropius and L. Moholy-Nagy. Munich, A. Langen, 1926, 1st ed., 85,(1)p., (full-p.) ills., typography and orig. cl. des. by L. MOHOLY-NAGY.

- Top of spine restored. Covers sl. duststained along margins.

= Bauhausbücher 10. Passuth p.52-54; Fleischmann p.168; Bolliger VI, 74.

€ (250-350)
81 461 Bazaine J 81 461 Bazaine J
81/ 461 Bazaine, J. Aquarelles et dessins. (Paris), Maeght, Derrière le miroir, 1968, 1st ed., (3),19,(6)p., 13 (single-/ double-p.) (col. lithogr.) plates (incl. wr.), 8 b/w ills., printed in 150 numb. and signed copies, in ochre board chemise and slipcase, folio.

- A few nibbled spots on slipcase (mainly on inside and outside of backstrip). = Copy of the DELUXE edition.

AND 2 others, both copies of the DELUXE edition of Derrière le miroir on J. BAZAINE, both printed in 150 numb. and signedf copies: M. JOUHANDEAU. Bazaine ((ibid.), iidem, 1972, 1st ed., (single-/ double-p.) (col. lithogr.) plates (incl. wr.), in brown board chemise and slipcase, folio. Fine complete copy) and J. BAZAINE. Dialogues d'ombres ((ibid.), iidem, 1975, 1st ed., (single-/ double-p.) (col. lithogr.) plates (incl. wr.), in pale pink board chemise and slipcase, folio. Fine complete copy).

€ (200-300) 550
81 462 Berghe F van den  Langui E 81 462 Berghe F van den Langui E
81/ 462 [Berghe, F. van den]. Langui, E. Frits van den Berghe 1883-1939. L'homme et son oeuvre. Antw., Mercatorfonds, 1968, 325,(2)p., num. col. tipped-in plates and ills., orig. gilt hvellum, folio.

- Lacks dustwr.; covers sl. soiled.

Idem. Frits van den Berghe 1883-1939. Catalogue raisonné de son oeuvre peint. Brussels, Laconti, 1966, (6),XXII,(256)p., num. col. tipped-in plates and ills., orig. cl. w. (frayed) dustwr., folio.

€ (40-60)