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77 1711 Aeronautics  Esnault Pelterie R 77 1711 Aeronautics Esnault Pelterie R
77/1711 [Aeronautics]. Esnault-Pelterie, R. L'Astronautique. L'Astronautique complément. Paris, A. Lahure, 1930/ 1935, 1st ed., 2 vols., (4),248; 93,(7)p., 10 fold. tables, orig. unif. wr.

= One of the earliest papers on interplanetary travel and on the exploration of the upper atmosphere, by means of rockets. Norman Library 714.

€ (200-300) 200
77 1712 Aeronautics  Kooy J M J and Uytenboogaart J W H 77 1712 Aeronautics Kooy J M J and Uytenboogaart J W H
77 1712 Aeronautics  Kooy J M J and Uytenboogaart J W H 77 1712 Aeronautics Kooy J M J and Uytenboogaart J W H
77/1712 [Aeronautics]. Kooy, J.M.J. and Uytenboogaart, J.W.H. Ballistics of the Future. With special reference to the dynamical and physical theory of the rocket weapons. New York and London, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1st American ed., 472p., 11 fold. plates, num. ills., tables, diagrams etc., orig. gilt cl.

= The first post-war scientific publication on the V1 and V2 rockets. Rare.

€ (50-70) 50
77 1713 Anatomy  Albinus B S 77 1713 Anatomy Albinus B S
77 1713 Anatomy  Albinus B S 77 1713 Anatomy Albinus B S
77 1713 Anatomy  Albinus B S 77 1713 Anatomy Albinus B S
77/1713 [Anatomy]. Albinus, B.S. Tabulae sceleti et musculorum corporis humani. Leyden, J. and H. Verbeek, 1747/ 1753, 2 vols., (48)lvs., engr. title-vignette, 3 engr. text leaves (title-p., dedication and introduction) and 117 plates by J. WANDELAAR (incl. 46 key leaves), contemp. unif. calf w. rchly gilt spine and mor. letterpiece, large folio.

- Exceptionally fine copy apart from the following minor imperfections: a few lvs. w. some minimal waterstains. Spine-ends chipped; covers sl. chafed.

= Three plates with skeletons (each w. accomp. key leaf); 25 plates to the Musculorum section (9 plates w. accomp. key leaf); 34 plates to the Ossium humanorum section (each w. accomp. key leaf); 7 plates to Uteri mulieris gravidae; 1 plate "Tabula vasis chyliferi (...)" (w. the accomp. textleaf). Presented by the Rector Magnificus of Leyden University Hendricus Albertus Schultens to his physician w. manuscript dedication on first blank 1st vol.: "Henrico Cuypers medico experientissimo, viro probo, amico fido Henricus Albertus Schultens, hunc librum dono dat (...)".

The magnum opus of Albinus, professor of surgery at Leyden. The splendid plates are the result of 30 years of collaboration between the scholar Albinus and the artist Wandelaar, pupil of Fokkema and De Lairesse and illustrator of many 18th cent. books published in the Netherlands. "Albinus's Tabulae selecti et musculorum, based on his concept of the "ideal man" (homo perfectus), is among the most artistically perfect of anatomical atlases. Albinus and his artist Jan Wandelaar used some ingenious methods to prepare the illustrations (...) with the aid of compass and ruler. In addition Wandelaar placed his skeletons and musclemen against lush ornamental backgrounds to give them the illusion of vitality, using contrasts of light and mass to produce a three-dimensional effect. The most famous plate in the atlas depicts a skeletal figure standing in front of an enormous grazing rhinoceros, sketched by Wandelaar from the first living specimen in Europe, which had arrived at the Amsterdam zoo in 1741." (Norman Library 29). Wellcome II, p.26; Heirs of Hippocrates 831; Garrison-Morton 399; Choulant-Frank p.276-283. SEE ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE LIII.

€ (5.000-7.000) 19000
77 1714 Anatomy  Cooper A 77 1714 Anatomy Cooper A
77 1714 Anatomy  Cooper A 77 1714 Anatomy Cooper A
77/1714 [Anatomy]. Cooper, A. Die Anatomie und Chirurgische Behandlung der Leisten-Brüche und der angeborenen Brüche. German transl. by J.F.M. Kruttge. Breslau, J.F. Korn, 1809, (4),48,(6)p., 9 (of 12) engr. plates, contemp. hcalf, folio.

- Lacks 3 plates. Spine-ends dam.; binding worn along extremities.

€ (50-70)
77 1715 Anatomy  Nuhn A 77 1715 Anatomy Nuhn A
77/1715 [Anatomy]. Nuhn, A. Chirurgisch-anatomische Tafeln. Mannheim, F. Basserman, n.d. (1856), 30 engr. plates, 29 (of 30) partly col. lithogr. plates, contemp. hcalf, folio.

- Lacks plate XIX; partly waterstained; foxed; contents loosening. Lacks backstrip; binding worn along extremities.

€ (250-350) 250
77 1716 Anatomy  Paulet V and Sarazin J 77 1716 Anatomy Paulet V and Sarazin J
77 1716 Anatomy  Paulet V and Sarazin J 77 1716 Anatomy Paulet V and Sarazin J
77/1716 [Anatomy]. Paulet, V. and Sarazin, J. Traité d'anatomie topographique, ou anatomie des régions du corps humain, considérée spécialement dans ses rapports avec la chirurgie et la médecine opératoire. Atlas. Paris, Victor Masson et Fils, 1867-1869, 1st ed., 2 (of 4) vols., (8); (8)p., 164 chromolithogr. plates w. opposite textp., contemp. unif. gilt hmor., 4to.

- Without the 2 text vols. Both vols. a few scattered owner's stamps on textp.; occas. sl. foxed; vol. 1 occas. waterst. in upper (blank) margin; endpapers inkstained; vol. 2 one plate dam. w. remnants of sellotape. Both vols. spine w. a few dam. spots; boards worn; corners showing.

= Hirsch IV, p.509. Rare, no copies traced in NCC. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LV.

€ (1.500-2.500)
77 1717 Anatomy  Weber M J 77 1717 Anatomy Weber M J
77/1717 [Anatomy]. Weber, M.J. Anatomischer Atlas des Menschlichen Körpers in natürlicher Grösse, Lage und Verbindung der Theile./ Erklärung des Anatomischen Atlasses. Düsseldorf, Arnz & Co., 1850/ n.d., 5th/ 2nd ed., plate-vol.: double-p. lithogr. title and 46 double-p. (partly handcol.) lithogr. plates, text-vol.: (4),332,72p., contemp. (not unif.) gilt hcalf, obl. folio/ 8vo.

- Contains plate I-XL as well as 6 supplementary plates. The title calls for 84 plates, but all traced copies only have 46 plates, as our copy. Probably all published. Partly with waterstains in mainly blank margin. Sold w.a.f.

= Hirsch VI, p.210; not in Choulant.

€ (250-350) 250
77 1718 Astronomy  Gauss C F 77 1718 Astronomy Gauss C F
77/1718 [Astronomy]. Gauss, C.F. Théorie du mouvement des corps célestes parcourant des sections coniques autour du soleil. French transl. by E. Dubois. Paris, A. Bertrand, (1864), XII,VIII,380p., 3 engr. plates, orig. wr., large 8vo.

- Wrappers detached.

= First French translation of Gauss' Theoria motus, first published in 1809. Cf. PMM 257n; Norman 879; Dibner 114n; DSB V, p.299f:.

€ (50-70)
77 1719 Astronomy  Herschel J F W 77 1719 Astronomy Herschel J F W
77/1719 [Astronomy]. Herschel, J.F.W. Observations of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, made at Slough, with a Twenty-feet Reflector, between the years 1825 and 1833. (London, n.publ., 1833), 359-505p., 8 engr. plates, without binding.

= Published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Volume 123. Norman 174; DSB VI, p.323ff.

€ (100-150)
77 1720 Astronomy  Laplace P S 77 1720 Astronomy Laplace P S
77/1720 [Astronomy]. Laplace, P.-S. Exposition du système du monde. Paris, Cercle-Social, An IV (1796), 1st ed., 2 vols., 314,(4); 312,(4)p., contemp. hcalf w. 2 mor. letterpieces.

- Sl. foxed and yellowed/ browned; sm. stamp on htitle. Paper over board partly worn off.

= Houzeau/ Lancaster 8940; PMM 252; Bibliotheca Mechanica p.196f; Poggendorff I, p.1375f; DSB XV, p.273ff. "The two-volume work consists of five books. Book I begins with what any attentive observer may see if he will open his eyes to the spectacle of the heavens on a clear night with a view of the whole horizon. Book II (...) sets out the 'real' motions of planets, satellites, and comets and gives the dimensions of the solar system. Book III is a verbal précis of the laws of motion as understood in eighteenth-century rational mechanics, with special reference to astronomy and hydrostatics. In Book IV, Laplace in effect summarized his own work in gravitational mechanics. (...) Only Book V contains material that Laplace had not written up in technical form or presupposed. It gives an overview of the history of astronomy and concludes with the speculation since called the nebular hypothesis and another on the nature of the universe in outer space". (DSB XV, p.343).

€ (300-500)
77 1721 Astronomy  Pot J J 77 1721 Astronomy Pot J J
77/1721 [Astronomy]. Pot, J.J. Planetoscoop. Handmade two dimensional volvelle model of our solar system, w. 16 movable circular paper discs (for the 9 planets and i.a. the weeks, months, years, decades and centuries (indicated in manuscript)), total size ±46x46 cm., n.d. (1950s?), fastened on the inside of a board portfolio w. folding flaps.

= With 2 typescript leaves SIGNED by J.J. Pot serving as manual and w. suggestions for improvements and inviting interested people to come up with improvements. The model was intended as "leermiddel, als aanschouwelijke voorstelling waar de planeten zich op een bepaald ogenblik bevinden en hoe snel of langzaam zij bewegen" (as an educational tool intended to provide a graphically comprehensible model showing where the planets of solar system are located at a certain point in time (future or past) and showing the relative pace at which they move). Apparently never published. The little that we know about J.J. Pot, shows that he was was born in 1908 and was a critical member of the Georgist international union (the movement that followed the ideas of Henry George: the belief that people should own the value they produce themselves, but that the economic value of land (including natural resources) should belong equally to all members of society). The "Planetoscoop" has obviously nothing to do with Georgism, but is the product of a man who was an independent thinker (see the interview with Pot on occasion of his 90th birthday on https://www.sdnl.nl/gv3k98-4.htm).

€ (200-300)
77 1722 Astronomy  Secchi P A 77 1722 Astronomy Secchi P A
77/1722 [Astronomy]. Secchi, P.A. Le Soleil. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1870, 1st ed., XVI,422p., 3 fold. handcol. steelengr. plates, 129 (handcol.) lithogr. ills., contemp. gilt hcalf.

- Binding sl. worn along extremities.

€ (100-150)
77 1723 Astronomy  Valk G 77 1723 Astronomy Valk G
77 1723 Astronomy  Valk G 77 1723 Astronomy Valk G
77/1723 [Astronomy]. Valk, G. 't Werkstellige der Sterre-konst, Zoo na de Eerste, als de Tweede beweeging, Mitsgaders van de toestand des aard-kloots, In 't gebruyk van der zelver hemel en aard-globen; Beneffens de bysondere nieuwen planeten-wyzer (...). Amst., G. Valk, n.d. (±1701), (6),140p., engr. frontisp., 4 fold. plates, contemp. wr., sm. 4to.

- A few marginal annots.; occas. sl. (water)stained. Backstrip partly lacking; covers sl. rubbed.

= Houzeau/ Lancaster 9732 (dating 1695); Hoogendoorn Valk01, 1.1 (p.883); cf. Bierens de Haan, 4942 (other ed. by Leonard Valk). Rare complete edition.

€ (150-250)
77 1724 Astronomy  Verbiest F  77 1724 Astronomy Verbiest F
77 1724 Astronomy  Verbiest F  77 1724 Astronomy Verbiest F
77/1724 [Astronomy]. (Verbiest, F.). (Ecliptic armilla). Brass scale model of the ecliptic armilla at the Beijing Observatory, 35(h.)x28x(w.)x15(d.) cm., on red velvet and silk covered wooden base, in orig. board box w. silk lining and bone clasps, 38x29,5x22 cm. (box).

= A fine scale model of one of the six new instruments that Verbiest designed for the Beijing Imperial Astronomy Observatory, when he had become head of the observatory in 1673. The original ecliptic armilla is 6 feet in diameter. This model has a diameter of 19,5 cm. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LV.

€ (400-600)
77 1725 Astronomy  Visser S W 77 1725 Astronomy Visser S W
77 1725 Astronomy  Visser S W 77 1725 Astronomy Visser S W
77/1725 [Astronomy]. Visser, S.W. Draaibare Sterrenkaart voor de Tropen. Gron./ Djakarta, n.d. (±1925), movable board disc w. constellations of stars surrounded by sections with months and days of the year in outer edge, set within a four-pointed ring indicating the time of the day and the phases of the moon (fine).
€ (80-100) 80
77 1726 Beeckman I 77 1726 Beeckman I
77/1726 Beeckman, I. Journal tenu par Isaac Beeckman de 1604 à 1634. Introd. and ed. C. de Waard. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1939-1953, 4 vols. (incl. supplement), ills., music examples, printed in 200 numb. copies, orig. unif. gilt cl., t.e.g. (2 vols.), 4to.

- Fine set.

= Isaac Beeckman (1588-1637), Dutch philosopher and scientist, student of Simon Stevin and friend of Rene Descartes.

€ (200-300)
77 1727 Bélidor  B F de 77 1727 Bélidor B F de
77/1727 Bélidor, (B.F. de). Nouveau cours de mathematique, à l'usage de l'artillerie et du genie (...). Paris, C. Jombert, 1725, 1st ed., (24),560,(32)p., 2 engr. headpieces, 34 fold. plates, contemp. calf, 4to.

- Final ±90 lvs./ 10 plates (sl.) waterst. in (blank) margins; partly sl. wormholed; first textleaf w. closed tear. Spine-ends dam.; joints split(ting).

= Bibl. Mechanica p.29; DSB I, p.581-582; Sloos 10006.

€ (100-150) 100
77 1728 Bergson H 77 1728 Bergson H
77/1728 Bergson, H. Durée et simultanéité à propos de la théorie d'Einstein. Paris, F. Alcan, 1922, 1st ed., VIII,245p., orig. wr.

- Bookblock broken; upper outer corner of htitle cut out; p.1 underlined. Frontwrapper detached and frayed.

= H.L. Bergson (1859-1941), important philosopher, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928. "Bergson's philosophy offers a new interpretation of four main ideas: time, freedom, memory, and evolution. These ideas are construed so as to produce a doctrine that is opposed to materialism as well as to mechanistic and deterministic theories of living things. (...) Bergson's interest in science was shown not only by his discussion of biology but also by his discussion of physics. This subject is treated in Durée et simultanéité (...). Here, as in the case of evolution, Bergson sought to demonstrate how philosophy can supplement science by providing a more adequate account of phenomena (...)" DSB II, p.8ff.

Idem. L'énergie spirituelle. Essais et conférences. Ibid., idem, 1919, 1st ed., (6),227p., without binding.

- Lacks wrappers. = With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION on htitle.

AND 1 other by the same.

€ (100-150) 110
77 1729 Bernardin de Saint Pierre J H 77 1729 Bernardin de Saint Pierre J H
77/1729 Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, J.H. Études de la nature. Paris, Didot le jeune/ Mequignon l'aîné, 1791-1793, 8 parts in 4 vols., engr. frontisp., 4 fold. plates, contemp. unif. boards w. gilt spine and paper letterpiece, 12mo.

= Incl. the often lacking supplemental vols. 7 and 8 titled Voeux d'un Solitaire, pour servir de suite aux Études de la Nature.

€ (50-70) 60
77 1730 Bernardin de Saint Pierre J H 77 1730 Bernardin de Saint Pierre J H
77/1730 Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, J.H. Études de la Nature. Paris, Deterville, 1804, new ed., 5 vols., 10 (fold.) engr. plates (incl. frontisp.), 1 diagram, contemp. unif. gilt calf w. 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces.

- All vols. first blank w. owner's stamp and entry.

= Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre is best known for his 1787 novel Paul et Virginie. He was elected to the Institut de France in 1795, and in 1803 to the Académie Française. The friendship with Jean-Jacques Rousseau did much to mould the views expressed in Bernardins Études de la nature. To the third edition of Études (1788) he appended Paul et Virginie. Bernardin was one of the first to celebrate cultural primitivism, which became one of the central ideas of the Romantic movement.

€ (70-90)
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