About us
Veilingen Boeken Manuscripten en Grafiek bv
Established 1986
J.A.P. Bosch director
drs T.W. Blankevoort director
drs N.M. Vroom staff
drs A. Groothuis staff
drs J.A. Smit staff
drs A.C.F. Don staff
drs F. Wilms staff
P.E. van Roon staff
drs T. van Leuveren staff
Business hours: Monday - Friday, 9.00-17.00 hrs.
We are the largest specialized auctioneer of books and works on paper of the Netherlands, and one of the foremost companies in these fields in Western Europe. Situated in a monumental 19th century urban villa in the centre of Haarlem, we are a two minute walk away from the Haarlem railway station, with a fast rail connection to Schiphol Airport, a parking garage in the near neighbourhood (next to the railway station) and ten free parking spaces for delivery [laden en lossen] at the back of our building.
In the past we have auctioned many of the larger Dutch private libraries and collections of graphic art. We believe that collections should not be judged by the value of the expensive items alone, but that the sum of their parts is greater than the whole. Therefore we not only sell the precious books and prints of collections, but all items that contribute to the identity of the collection. All members of our team are involved in the cataloguing as well as in the preparation of the auction and handling and shipping afterwards. This ensures simple and effective communication with our clients, a maximum awareness of their wishes and a substantial reduction of costs for buyers.
Two sales per year (Spring and Autumn)
Our annotated and illustrated catalogues cover a wide range of subjects:
- books (old and rare books, scholarly libraries, reference books, first editions, fine printing and illustrated books, paper toys etc.)
- prints (old master prints, decorative prints, modern graphic art, Japanese prints, oriental and tribal arts, cartography and topographical prints, posters, photographs, ephemera etc.)
- drawings (old, modern and decorative drawings)
- manuscripts (medieval manuscripts, literary manuscripts, autographs, documents etc.)
For specialized collections we issue separate catalogues; past subjects i.a. include Bibliotheca Didina et Pinguina (the library of Boudewijn Büch), erotica, medieval manuscripts, Dutch literary manuscripts, holy pictures, gastronomy, comics, M.C. Escher, the library of Gerrit Komrij, a choice from the personal archive of Piet Zwart
We undertake valuations for probate and insurance.
Bankaccount ABN AMRO
ABN AMRO Bank, Houtplein 47, NL-2012 DE Haarlem, The Netherlands
BTW/VAT NL8081.96.911.B01
EORI 808196911
KvK Haarlem 34023435