- All vols. w. the same library stamp on title All but one vol. spine strengthened.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION on htitle "Sixième Serie". PMM 339; Norman, 1336. "In 1832, while quarantined on his voyage to Alexandria to take up the post of vice-consul, de Lesseps passed the time by reading a copy of Lepère's report to Napoleon on the practicability of a canal connecting the Mediterranean with the Red Sea. Having befriended Mohammed Said, the viceroy's son and later himself viceroy, during his time in Egypt, on his resignation from the consular service in 1854 de Lesseps obtained the concession for the construction of a canal across the Isthmus of Suez. Undeterred by the practical and political objections he set about seeking capital to finance the project; "In this treatise of nearly three hundred pages, with maps... he set out the whole case for the canal and his proposed method of building it. He secured the support of Napoleon III and raised a capital of two hundred million francs. Construction was begun in 1859 and completed ten years later" (PMM).
WITH: a small archive concerning the construction of the Suez Canal, dated between 1864 and 1867, consisting of i.a. lithographed copies of manuscript documents, two manuscript letters signed by F.P. VOISIN and a manuscript profile drawing of the canal from the "Côte Afrique" to the "Côte Asie", kept together in contemp. red hmor. album, folio.
- All but four documents mounted along left margin in album with some remnants of glue occas. visible.
= Comprising i.a. two manuscript letters SIGNED by F.P. VOISIN, the chief engineer for the Suez Canal Company, one regarding meetings in June and August 1864 and one addressed to Mr. Laroche, chief engineer in Port Said, ordering him to do all to prepare the Suez Canal as indicated by the scientific research done ((2)p., dated "7 Octobre 1864"); one large drawing in red and black pen and ink showing the canal's profile with height calculations ("Profil", 60x47 cm.); 18 lithogr. "Ordre de Service", numb. "1" to "18" by the Direction générale des Travaux from the Compagnie universelle de Canal maritime de Suez (signed in lithography by F. LESSEPS and F.P. VOISIN), each approx. 2-3 lvs., dated between 1863-1866 and 10 lithogr. "Instructions" in similar style.
- Modern armorial bookplate of F. Mulders-Peer on first free endpaper; hinges broken but holding on cords; occas. sl. foxed. Upper joint broken; three tiny wormholes on frontcover.
= Nissen, ZBI 2459.
- Wrappers waterst.; backstrip worn.
= First Russian translation of Les mesures en radioactivité et l'étalon de radium (Journal de Physique, October 1912).
- Bookseller's ticket on upper pastedown; occas. (sl.) foxed. Backstrip dam.
(Marcet, J.). Entretiens sur la chimie, d'après les méthodes de MM. Thénard et Davy. Ibid., Boulland et Cie., 1826, 1st ed., (4),610p., engr. portrait, 8 (of 15) plates, contemp. gilt hcalf w. black mor. letterpiece, 12mo.
- Lacks plates 1-4, 13-15; duplicate set of plates 7-12 bound with; owners' entry and annots. on endpapers. Paper on backcover dam.
AND 1 other similar: (J.L. KESTELOOT) (ed.), Discours sur le progrès des sciences, lettres et arts (...) (Paris/ "Hollande", 1809, later boards. AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION on verso htitle; occas. sl. foxed/ stained).
- Owner's entry on frontwrappers; two vols. bookblock broken. Wrappers frayed. On the frontwrapper it states: "NB De proefplaten in deze aflevering, worden vervangen door Photographiën. Alle platen worden bij de laatste aflevering verzonden".
= Rare edition issued in separate vols. for publication. Freeman 1182.
- Hinges weak; owner's entry on upper pastedown/ htitle; occas. sl. foxed. = Freeman 656.
Idem. The Foundations of the Origin of Species. Two Essays written in 1842 and 1844. Ed. F. Darwin. Cambridge, at the University Press, 1909, XXVII,(1),263p., photogr. facs. portrait, contemp. cloth w. gilt coat of arms of EYE GRAMMAR SCHOOL on frontcover.
- Top of spine chipped. Contents fine.
= With "Miller Prize for French (Upper School)", dated 1926-1927 and awarded to Elsie Alderton, after whom the character of obsessive would-be writer Laura Wissilcraft in Henry W. Williamson's novel The Gale of the World (1969) was modelled. Freeman 1556.
AND 1 other on the same: R.B. FREEMAN, The Works of Charles Darwin (London, 1965, orig. cl. w. (dam.) dustwr.).
- Binding sl. rubbed.
= Contains nice col. lithogr. volvelle models of i.a. a motorcar, a locomotive, an aeroplane, a zeppelin.
- Partly (sl.) yellowed and foxed; stamp on title-p. and first free endpaper. Binding sl. worn; joints partly restored w. leather; corners showing.
- Fourth plate vol. lacks 1 plate. Contents in very fine, untrimmed condition.
= Plate vols.: vol. 1: "Cartier" (how to make playing cards), alphabets, "Canons", "Cartonnier", "Cidre" and "Cuisinier, Patissier, Traiteur, Rotiseur"; vol. 2: "Diamantair, Lapidaire, Metteur-en-oeuvre", "Écrivain, Art d'écrire", "Fayencerie", "Filets de Pêche et de Chasse", "Glaciere, Glace artificielle", "Globes", "Gravure en Lettres, Topographie, Géographie & Musique" and "Horlogerie"; vol. 3: "Horlogerie", "Imprimerie", "Instruments de Musique", "Luthier", "Marbrerie", "Marbreur de Papier", "Menuisier en Meubles", "Menuisier en Voitures" and "Meunier"; vol. 4: such as the fabrication of mozaics, gold- and silversmiths, paper, porcelain, gunpowder and tobacco and pipes.
- Double-p. plates are counted as 2 plates. Plates sl. waterst. in lower inner (blank) margin; final 3 plates loose. Lacks backwr.
= From the 4to edition, vol.5. Cf. PMM 200 and Norman Libr. 637.
AND 6 others from the same work: Fourreur (5 plates, later wr.); Gnomonique (3 plates, later wr.); Gravure (3 plates, later wr.); Hongroyeur (3 plates, later wr.); Forge des enclumes (1 plate, without wr.); Forge des ancres (11 plates, without wr.).
- Double-p. plates are counted as 2 plates. Lacks 4 plates (incl. 1 double-p.) and a few textp. (p.17ff of the anatomy section; 5 plates added from another copy, incl. 2 dupl.). Joints splitting; spine-ends dam.; corners showing.
= PMM 200; Graesse II, p.389. The plates to the famous Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, first published 1751-1765, covering all aspects of science, industries and arts. Contains plates of i.a. the following series: "Fabrique de tabac", "Sucrerie & affinage", "Anatomie", "Antiquités", "Architecture", "Arquebusier", "Art Militaire" and "Artificier".
- Lacks 38 plates, i.a. sections "Calamine & Cuivre" (6 plates), "Fer-blanc" (3 plates) and 1 plate from "Fabrication des Poudres"; one plate lower outer corner torn off; one plate w. tear of 5 cm. in lower margin; occas. sl. browned. Binding stained; spine sl. dam.
= PMM 200; Graesse II, p.389. The plates to the famous Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, first published 1751-1765, covering all aspects of science, industries and arts. Contains plates of i.a. the following series: "Quadrupèdes", "Oiseaux", "Coquilles fossiles", "Volcans", "Le Cuivre et l'Argent", "Fromage d'Auvergne" and "Fromage de Gruieres & de Gerardmer".
- Backstrip dam. Contents fine.
= From Descriptions des Arts et Métiers. Poggendorff I, p.618.
Fourcroy de Ramecourt, (C.R.). Art du chaufournier. N.pl. (Paris), n.publ., 1766, (2),74p., 15 engr. plates, contemp. marbled wr., large folio.
- Occas. sl. yellowed. Backstrip dam.
= From Descriptions des Arts et Métiers. Poggendorff I, p.783.
- Endpapers foxed/ browned. Spine sunned.
Lorentz, H.A., Einstein, A. and Minkowski, H. Das Relativitätsprinzip. Eine Sammlung von Abhandlungen. Leipsic/ Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1922, 4th enl. ed., (4),159,(1)p., frontisp., orig. wr.
- Owner's stamp on title-p.; yellowed. Tickets on frontcover/ foot of spine.
= Fortschritte der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Monographien 2.
AND 3 others (incl. 1 duplicate) on the subject, i.a. 2 offprints from Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft: M. LAUE, Die Wellenstrahlung einer bewegten Punktladung nach dem Relativitätsprinzip (Braunschweig, 1908, orig. wr. Vertical fold) and IDEM, Ein Beispiel zur Dynamik der Relativitätstheorie (ibid., 1911, orig. wr.).
= Provenance: all from the "Physisch Kabinet" Leyden. All publised in Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, year 16, 17 and 18. Also contains all other issues of the same year. Weil 67; 73 and 85. Year 14 also including the paper "Über Zusammenstöfse zwischen Elektronen und den Molekülen des Quecksilberdampfes und die Ionisierungsspannung desselben" by J. FRANCK and G. HERTZ and the first appearance of the famous Franck-Hertz Experiment.
AND 29 years in 15 vols. of the same periodical between 1912 and 1942.
- All vols. w. library stamps on prelim. lvs. Some vols. cloth over spine worn/ sl. dam.; a few vols. paper tickets partly worn off.
= Fine set: 1. The early years, 1879-1902; 2. The Swiss years: writings, 1900-1909; 3. The Swiss years: writings, 1909-1911; 4. The Swiss years: writings, 1912-1914; 5. The Swiss years: correspondence, 1902-1914; 6. The Berlin years: writings, 1914-1917; 7. The Berlin years: writings, 1918-1921; 8A. The Berlin years: correspondence, 1914-1917; 8B. The Berlin years: correspondence, 1918; 9. The Berlin years: correspondence, January 1919-april 1920.
- Wrappers frayed; sm. ticket on frontwr.; frontwr. lacks portion outer edge and partly doubled. Otherwise fine.
= Early reprint edition of the first separate edition, published before in Annalen der Physik, Vierte Folge, vol. 49, p.769-822. This reprint only differs from the first separate edition in the imprint on verso title-page: "Druck von Omnitypie-Ges., Nachfl. L. Zechnall, Stuttgart" [first: "Druck von Metger & Wittig in Leipzig"], imprint on backwrapper is "Metzger & Wittig, Leipzig. 285" and some of the books advertised on backwrapper have the date "1919". Boni 78.1; Weil 80a; PMM 408; Norman Library 696 and cf. 695: "The theory's impact upon twentieth-century science and thought can hardly be overstated."
AND the 5th ed. of the same work.
= In Zeitschrift für freie Deutsche Forschung, year 1, issues 1-2 (first issue w. owner's stamp on first textp.; backwr. sl. (water)stained; backstrip dam.).
= Published in Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Band 11, Vierte Folge. Also contains all other issues of the same year. Weil 4.
Idem. Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen. Ibid., idem, 1905, p.289-306, contemp. giltlettered hcalf. - BOUND WITH: Idem. Zur Theorie der Brownschen Bewegung. Ibid., idem, 1905, p.371-381.
= Published in Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Band 19, Vierte Folge. Also contains all other issues of the same year. Weil 7 and 11.
Idem. Die Plancksche Theorie der Straghlung und die Theorie der specifischen Wärme. Ibid., idem, 1907, p.180-190, contemp. giltletterd hcalf. - BOUND WITH: Idem. Über die Gültigkeitsgrenze des Satzes vom thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht und über die Möglichkeit einer neuen Bestimmung der Elementarquanta. Ibid., idem, 1907, p.569-572.
= Published in Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Band 22, Vierte Folge. Also contains all other issues of the same year. Weil 15 and 16.
Idem. Bemerkung zu dem Gesetz von Eötvös. Ibid., idem, 1911, p.165-169, contemp. clothbacked boards. - BOUND WITH: Idem. Eine Beziehung zwischen dem elastischen Verhalten und der spezifischen Wärme bei festen Körpern mit einatomigen Molekül. Ibid., idem, 1911, p.170-174.
= Published in Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Band 34, Vierte Folge. Also contains all other issues of the same year. Weil 38 and 39. Possibly a publisher's collection (?) with the Metzger & Wittig in Leipzig stamp below index.
AND 3 other vols. of Annalen der Physik und Chemie, years 1887, 1888 and 1895, containing articles by i.a. M. PLANCK and G. HERTZ.
- Frontwrapper partly sunned.
= First edition of the rare offprint with separate title and separate pagination. See Weil 180, where this is not mentioned.