80 6079 Cock Hieronymus 1510 1570 publ
80/6079 Cock, Hieronymus (1510-1570) (publ.). (Road leading to farmhouses). Etching from the series of 44 Small Landscapes, 1559-1561, etched by Joannes/ Lucas van DOETECUM, 13,2x19,5 cm.

- Vaguely stained (verso worse). = New Hollstein 118f.

AND 1 other similar etching probably by the same, Country village with sheep and a sitting shepherd (numb. "18" in the plate. Stained; New Hollstein 131).

= Two etching after the so-called Master of the Small Landscapes. An anonymous landscape draugthsman who, over the centuries, has been identified as i.a. Cornelis Cort, Pieter Brueghel, Hans Bol and, most recently and most convincingly, as Joos van Liere (±1530-1583).

€ (70-90) 900