= Kerssemakers 1108: "Popular basic manual for anarchists".
AND 28 others in 29 vols., incl. several sm. pamphlets, all pre-1940, i.a. IDEM, God Gezin Gezag (The Hague, 1932, orig. wr., sm. 8vo); IDEM, God is het Kwaad (Rott., 1924, orig. wr.); IDEM, Leven de Dooden? (Amst., n.d., orig. wr.); IDEM, Godsdienst is Opium voor het Volk (The Hague, n.d., orig. wr.); J.H. MACKAY, De anarchisten (Zandvoort, n.d., 2 vols., orig. unif. hcl.); B. GUINAUDEAU, Moderne kloostergruwelen. De schandalen van den "Goeden Herder" (Amst., n.d., orig. wr.) J.A.H. VAN DEN BRINK, Tegen-pausen, pausen, renaissance-pausen (...) (Delft, n.d., orig. wr.) and J. DE HAAS, Het kwaad van den godsdienst - de Noodzakelijkheid der anarchie (Amst., 1923, orig. wr.).
- Owner's entry on htitle; lower inner margin sl. waterwrinkled. Spine waterst.; dustwr. badly worn/ dam. and waterst.
AND 1 other: IDEM, The Lore of the Chinese Lute. An essay in the Ideology of the Ch'in (Tokyo, Rutland, 1969, 2nd rev. ed., col. frontisp., (col.) plates, ills., orig. patterned cl. w. gilt letterpiece, pict. dustwr., 4to (fine)).
- One "glass" of viewer broken.
AND 3 others in 8 vols., i.a. E. FUCHS, Geschichte der erotischen Kunst (Munich, 1908, 3 vols., richly ills., orig. unif. cl.).
- Lacks the 2nd volume. All vols. foxed. All vols. sl. rubbed.
= The history of French costume ranging from 5th century Clovis to 19th century "Modes d'Hommes, en 1839".
- Bookplate on upper pastedown; flower remnants/ stains on prel. blanks; textp. (sl.) foxed throughout (plates fine). Paper ticket on spine.
= Colas 584; Hiler p.156. Cf. Lipperheide Fa 37.
- Sl. foxed.
- Some foxing. Binding sl. stained and worn along extremities.
= Lipperheide Ad36; Colas 2153; Hiler p.626.
- Fine copy in a nice binding.
= "Monument esthématique du XIXe siècle". Colas 2952; Lipperheide Fc 56; Monod 10836; Carteret V, p.190.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown; occas. sl. foxed. Rebacked w. use of orig. backstrip; corners and spine-ends rubbed/ worn.
- Bookblock and backcover loose; spine discoloured/ foxed. Contents fine.
= Splendid collection of costumes, historical and contemporary (±1880) of various regions in the world, but mostly Europe and Asia. Lipperheide Ad31; Hiler p.911; Colas 1234.
AND 1 other published by the same: ZUR GESCHICHTE DER COSTÜME (ibid., (±1880), 38 double-p. handcol. woodengr. "Münchener Bilderbogen", contemp. hcl., folio. Bookblock and a few lvs. loose. Spine dam.; covers worn/ browned. Incomplete).
- Both vols. owner's stamp on first free endpaper.
= La Cité Antichrétienne au XIXe siècle. Deuxième partie. Caillet 959 note ("Ouvrage fort bien fait et très documenté sur la franc-maçonnerie").
- Title-p. dam./ doubled; 3 lvs. dam. and partly repaired w. scotch tape; occas. sl. foxed.
= Landwehr 93,5; Bibl. Gastr. 1402.
- Contents fine. The image on frontcover of template vol. sl. scratched; corners of box worn/ splitting. Two of the three compartments are empty.
= Extensive bibliography listing no less than 7167 works and with introductions in Dutch, French, English and German and indexes of subjects, countries, languages and publishers (on place name as well as alphabetical).
Oberlé, G. Les fastes de Bacchus et de Comus ou Histoire du boire et du manger en Europe, de l'antiquité à nos jours, à travers les livres. Paris, Belfond, (1989), 642,(5)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to.
= Standard catalogue containing 1181 entries, with extensive notes.
Landwehr, J. Het Nederlandse kookboek 1510-1945. Een bibliografisch overzicht. Houten, HES, 1995, 230p., ills., orig. cl. - AND 13 others on the history of gastronomy, i.a. MEISTER SEBASTIAN, Koch und Kellermeisterey - Daraus man alle Heimligkeit des Kochens zu lernen hat (Stuttg., 1961, ills., printed in 1000 copies, orig. boards. Facs. reprint of the edition Frankf. a.M., 1581) and J. VAN DAM (a.o.), Kookboeken door de eeuwen heen & Moge het u wel bekomen (The Hague, 1991, ills., orig. wr., 4to. I.a. signed on title-p. by JOHANNES VAN DAM).
- Partly (water)stained and sl. mouldy; some underlining in pencil. Binding dam./ stained and sl. warped; backstrip lacks sm. portions. Sold w.a.f.
= Political satire against the politics of Napoléon III, which would become the main source of inspiration for the infamous anti-semite Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Although Joly's work does not mention any jewish conspiracy, large parts of it were plagiarized in the Protocols. Very rare.
- First leaf trifle foxed; one leaf w. sm. tear. Spine-ends dam.
= Rare. Showing the holy sites of Jerusalem.
- Sl. foxed throughout; pencil annots. in margin.
= Goedeke XV, 1130, 11 (2nd ed.). With a list of Hebrew words and their translation at the end. Rare. F.S. von Holzschuher (1796-1861), was German judge known for his (anti-semite) satirical publications.
BOUND WITH: Idem. Israels Verkehr und Geist in jüdischen Characterzeichnungen, Erzählungen, Gedichten u.s.w. C. Schulklopfer für die hauchlöhliche Jüdenschaft. Ibid., idem, 1833, 2nd enl. and corr. ed., VIII,117,(3)p., lithogr. title-p. w. vignette, 3 plates w. 2 ills. each.
- Occas. sl. foxed.
= Also with a list of Hebrew words and their translation at the end. Rare. Not in Goedeke.