2685 - 3623     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 26 of 47 Results 501 - 520 of 939
80 3185 Judaica and hebraica  Leusden J 80 3185 Judaica and hebraica Leusden J
80/3185 [Judaica and hebraica]. Leusden, J. Synopsis Hebraica & Chaldaica, Continens Praecepta, ad notitiam Linguae Hebraeae & Chaldaeae acquirendam, perquam necessaria. Utr., C. à Coetsvelt, 1667, 84p., contemp. mottled calf, gilt spine w. raised bands, 12mo.

- Some foxing; verso first free endpaper w. crossed out owner's entry (?). Top of spine chipped; corners showing.

= Fürst II, p.235. Very rare pocket-size language manual.

€ (200-300)
80 3186 Judaica and hebraica  Modena L 80 3186 Judaica and hebraica Modena L
80/3186 [Judaica and hebraica]. Modena, L. Kerk-zeeden en de gewoonten, die huiden in gebruik zyn onder de Jooden. Uit het Italiaans van Leo de Modene, Venetiaansch Rabbi. Met een Vervulling, nopende de Gesindheid der hedendaagsche Caraïten en Samaritanen. Waar by nog een twede Deel is gevoegt, welkers Opschrift is. Vergelyking der Joodse Kerk-Zeeden met de Leere der Kerke (...) door Simon Ville. Dutch transl. A. Godart. Amst., D. van den Dalen, 1700, 2 parts in 1 vol., (64),198,(8); 203,(4)p., 4 etched fold. plates by J. LUIKEN, contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Upper hinge broken; pastedowns detached; title-p. and first blank lvs. loose(ning); partly sl. fingersoiled.

= In this Dutch translation the four famous plates by J. Luiken were added, depicting 17th cent. rites of the Amsterdam Jewry: wedding, divorce, refusal and circumcision. Klaversma/ Hannema 1096; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 76.

€ (100-150)
80 3187 Kant I 80 3187 Kant I
80/3187 Kant, I. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Riga, J.F. Hartknoch, 1785, 1st ed., (16),128p., woodengr. title-vignette, contemp. gilt hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece.

- A few sm. stains; a few corrections in pencil (1x in pen and ink) in an old hand. Upper joint splitting; foot of spine sl. worn; paper over cover sl. rubbed..

= Provenance: "Zacharia (...) 1785, im August" (in pen and ink on first free endpaper; bookplate of Armin Friedman (the author/ literary critic?) on first free endpaper. Zacharia can possibly be identified as Zacharias Werner, one of Kant's students at Königsberg University. Warda 90; Goed. V, p.3, 12. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVI.

€ (800-1.000) 1100
80 3188 Kate L ten 80 3188 Kate L ten
80/3188 Kate, L. ten. Aenleiding Tot de Kennisse van het Verhevene Deel der Nederduitsche Sprake. Waer in Hare zekerste Grondslag, edelste Kragt, nuttelijkste Onderscheiding, en geregeldste Afleiding overwogen en naegespoort, en tegen het Allervoornaemste der Verouderde en Nog-levende Taelverwanten, als 't Oude Moeso-Gotthisch, Frank-Duitsch, en Angel-Saxisch, beneffens het hedendaegsche Hoog-Duitsch en Yslandsch, vergeleken word. Amst., R. and G. Wetstein, 1723, 1st ed., 2 vols., (48),743,(1); (8),748,(2)p., engr. frontisp. J. GOEREE, 2 headpieces, 1 fold. map w. handcol. borders, fold. table, woodcut tailpieces, contemp. unif. blindst. and panelled vellum, 4to.

- Bookplate, stamp and owner's entry of A.K. Castelein on prelim. lvs.

€ (120-150) 120
80 3189 Kennemerland  Brouërius van Nidek M 80 3189 Kennemerland Brouërius van Nidek M
80 3189 Kennemerland  Brouërius van Nidek M 80 3189 Kennemerland Brouërius van Nidek M
80/3189 [Kennemerland]. Brouërius van Nidek, M. Het Zegenpralend Kennemerland, Vertoond in 100 Heerlyke Gezichten Van de voornaamste lustplaetsen, adelyke huizen, dorp- en stede-gebouwen; Beginnende met Kastrikum (...) en eindigende met het Quartier van Heemstede, Berkenrode en Bennebroek. Amst., J. Roman, n.d. (±1725), 2 parts in 1 vol., (6),24,18p., 2 ident. engr. frontisp., title-vignette and 1 other vignette, fold. map, 100 views on 50 plates by H. DE LETH, contemp. gilt hcalf, folio.

- Sm. tear in inner margin of fold. map; textp. occas. trifle foxed; otherwise contents fine. Spine-ends dam./ chipped; sm. dam. spot in upper joint; covers sl. rubbed along extremities.

= Cat. Harlemia Illustrata 295-394; cf. Ekama 555 (ed. 1768). One of the finest books on 18th cent. Dutch stately homes, also of great importance for contemporary garden-architecture (the views also include detailed plans of the gardens). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVIII.

€ (500-700)
80 3190 Kennemerland  Lams W G 80 3190 Kennemerland Lams W G
80 3190 Kennemerland  Lams W G 80 3190 Kennemerland Lams W G
80/3190 [Kennemerland]. Lams, W.G. Het Groot Previlegie en Hantvest Boeck van Kennemerlandt en Kennemer-Gevolgh. Midtsgaders/ Alle de Voorrechten, Octroye, Geapprobeerde Keuren en Rechten, den Dorpen in 't Particulier ghegheven en Vergunt (...). Amst., G. van Goedesbergh, 1664, (2)10,(4),880p., engr. heraldic title, contemp. overlapping vellum.

- Spine trifle soiled. A good/ fine copy. = Dekkers p.97; Ekama 230. First and only edition.

AND 1 other: H.F. VAN HEUSSEN, Oudheden en gestichten van Kennemerland, Amstelland (...) (Leyden, 1721, 1 vol. (of 2), fold. engr. plan, 2 fold. plates (of 6), 2 fold. portraits, contemp. calf. Lacks 1 vol. and 4 plates).

= Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek, both with his annots. tipped onto upper pastedown.

€ (80-100) 80
80 3191 Kennemerland  Santen B van 80 3191 Kennemerland Santen B van
80 3191 Kennemerland  Santen B van 80 3191 Kennemerland Santen B van
80/3191 [Kennemerland]. (Santen, B. van). Generale Privilegien Ende Hantvesten van Kennemer-landt ende Kennemer-ghevolgh. (...) Alsmede Korte Beschrijvinghe van de Dorpen ende Ghehuchten, van den voorschreven Lande. The Hague, J. Verhoeve, 1652, (8),383,(5)p., woodcut title-vignette, contemp. overlapping vellum.

- Contemp. owner's entry on title. Binding trifle worn; lacks ties.

= Dekkers p.151; Ekama 200. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek, with his annots. tipped onto upper pastedown.

€ (120-150)
80 3192 Kilian G C 80 3192 Kilian G C
80/3192 Kilian, G.C. Li Contorni delle pitture antiche d'Ercolano con le Spiegazioni incise d'apresso l'originale./ Antichità di Ercolano esposte. Vol. 1-6. Augsb., n.publ. (C. Deckardt), n.d. (1777-1787), 8 parts in 7 vols. (incl. 1 text vol.), text vol.: 2 parts in 1 vol., (6),30; (4),IV,63,(1)p., 1 engr. ill., contemp. hcl., folio; 6 plate vols.: 413 (of 443) engr. plates (1x fold.) (incl. 4 extra plates), by G.C. KILIAN after i.a. G. MORGHEN, later unif. hcl., obl. folio.

- Lacks in total ±30 plates, 3 engr. title-p. and without most of the accomp. text vols.; the plates were formerly folded and approx. 58 plates are waterstained w. occas. dam. on the fold (mostly restored, but occas. w. loss of image); a few plates restored in upper blank margin; a few plates cut sl. short in top margin affecting plate number; occas. duststained; final 3 leaves of text vol. a few sm. holes (printing flaw). Spine-ends occas. (sl.) dam.; corners worn.

= An 18th cent. reprint of the plates (in reverse) of the first edition of the Antichità die Ercolano esposte (orig. published in 9 vols. in Naples between 1755-1792). Blackmer 38 (on this ed.): "First German edition. The work is a reduced version of L'Antichità di Ercolano published simultaneously in German and Italian. (...) The work was intended as a popular edition of the Antichità, for the use of scholars and as a pattern book for artists (...)." Cf. Blackmer 37 (on the orig. ed.): "The illustrated volumes of antiquities published under direction of the Royal Herculaneum Society, founded in 1755, represent the first attempt at a systematic record of all the discoveries made during the excavations at Herculaneum carried out under the aegis of the King of the Two Sicilies, Charles III."; cf. Cicognara 2645. G.C. Kilian's edition of the Antichità was one of various editions that saw the light soon after first volumes of the original work, which were published in a small number of copies for the "happy few" only, were published. Kilian published his edition in Italian, because it was his opinion that the citizens of the country in which the treasures of Herculaneum originated had a right to know everything possible about their history. The text vol. that accompanies this edition also contains: C.G. VON MURR: Abbildungen der Gemälde und Alterthümer, in dem Königlich Neapolitanischen Museo zu Portici (...). Siebenter Theil 98 Kupfertafeln (Nürnberg, 1793).

€ (300-500)
80 3193 Kist W  80 3193 Kist W
80 3193 Kist W  80 3193 Kist W
80/3193 (Kist, W.). De ring van Gyges wedergevonden, of verzameling van Nederlandsche karakters. Haarlem, F. Bohn, 1805-1808, 1st ed., 4 vols., 4 identical engr. titles and 4 plates by R. VINKELES, contemp. unif. gilt hcalf w. 2 contrasting letterpieces.

- Plates and title-p. trifle foxed. Otherwise a fine set.

= Buisman 1072; Saalmink II, p.1749; De Vries 159. The most popular work by Dutch Enlightenment author W. Kist (1758-1841).

Edelaart en Eleönore. Een oorspronklijk Nederduitsche roman, in brieven. Leyden, K. Delfos, 1793, 1st ed., (4),248p., contemp. gilt hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.

- Top of spine chipped. = Buisman 508. Rare anonymous work (no copy traced on the market).

€ (80-100) 120
80 3194 Konijnenberg J  80 3194 Konijnenberg J
80 3194 Konijnenberg J  80 3194 Konijnenberg J
80/3194 (Konijnenberg, J.). Franse, Engelse, Keulse, Munsterse, en Nederlandse Oorloge; ofte een pertinent Verhael van het begin en voortgank der Nederlandse Beroerten: Vervattende de Geschiedenissen in den Jare 1671 en 72, en eyndigende met het midden der maendt Augusti 1673. Amst., J. Konijnenberg, 1673/ 1674, 2nd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (10),519; 204p., etched frontisp. by R. DE HOOGHE, 5 (of 6) fold. plates, sl. later gilt hcalf, 12mo.

- Lacks 1 plate and 1 portrait; 1 plate w. tear on fold; contents occas. trifle soiled. Joints starting at top of spine; spine-ends worn and backstrip cracked

= Landwehr, RdH 28.

€ (50-70) 70
80/3195 Koran  Mahomets Alkoran Door de Hr Du Ryer uit d'Arabische in de Fransche Taal gestelt Benevens een tweevoudige Beschryving van Mahomets Leven En een verhaal van des zelfs Reis ten Hemel80/3195 Koran Mahomets Alkoran Door de Hr Du Ryer uit d'Arabische in de Fransche Taal gestelt Benevens een tweevoudige Beschryving van Mahomets Leven En een verhaal van des zelfs Reis ten Hemel
80/3195 [Koran]. Mahomets Alkoran, Door de Hr. Du Ryer uit d'Arabische in de Fransche Taal gestelt; Benevens een tweevoudige Beschryving van Mahomets Leven; En een verhaal van des zelfs Reis ten Hemel, Gelijk ook zyn Samenspraak met de Jood Abdias. Dutch transl. J.H. Glasemaker. Amst., T. ten Hoorn, 1696, 2nd ed., (12),547p., engr. title-p. by J. LAMSVELT, 6 engr. plates by C. LUYKEN, contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Lacks free endpapers; upper hinge broken.

= Thyssen-Schoute 30; Keyser, Glazemaker 56; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 286; Hannema/ Klaversma 1048.

€ (80-100) 240
80 3196 Kramer A de 80 3196 Kramer A de
80/3196 Kramer, A. de. Alle de Werken. Amst., H. Sligtenhorst, 1736-1737, 2 parts in 1 vol., (68),374,(10); (34),397,(3)p., 2 diff. engr. frontisp., 2 ident. title-vignettes, head-piece and 5 plates by J.C. PHILIPS, contemp. vellum.

- Lacks final textp. and final free endpaper.

= The second volume consist of J. van Orsoy, Het leven des dichters.

Decker, J. de. Alle de rym-oeffeningen. Ed. M. Brouërius van Nidek. Ibid., W. Barents, H. Bosch etc., 1726, 2 vols., (48),375,(1); 444p., engr. frontisp., 2 ident. title-vignettes, portrait, armorial plate and 12 plates (2 fold.) by i.a. J.C. PHILIPS and P. TANJEE, contemp. unif. panelled blindst. vellum.

€ (100-150) 110
80 3197 Krayenhoff C R T 80 3197 Krayenhoff C R T
80 3197 Krayenhoff C R T 80 3197 Krayenhoff C R T
80/3197 Krayenhoff, C.R.T. Levensbijzonderheden van den luitenant-generaal baron C.R.T. Krayenhoff. Ed. H.W. Tydeman. Nijm., C.A. Vieweg, 1844, XVI,538p., 2 lithogr. and aquatint portraits, fold. facs. letter, plate, contemp. hcalf.

- Sl. foxed. Spine repaired w. use of orig. backstrip.

ADDED: E. YOUNG, The Complaint: or Night-Thoughts on Life, Death and Immortality (London, 1750, engr. frontisp., contemp. calf).

€ (50-70) 100
80 3198 La Faille P de 80 3198 La Faille P de
80 3198 La Faille P de 80 3198 La Faille P de
80 3198 La Faille P de 80 3198 La Faille P de
80/3198 La Faille, P. de. Bekeeringhe (...) uyt de Calvinissche Ketterije, tot het H. Catholijck geloove, der H. Catholijcker Roomscher Kercke, door het lesen der Oudtvaderen. Mitsgaders de maniere hoe dat hy solemnelijck synen Woorden-dienst, des Predikanschaps heeft nedergeleyt. Louvain, B. Maes, 1644, 2nd corr. ed., (6),74,(24 "Byvoeghsel"),75-300[=296],(2)p., contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo. - BOUND WITH: Idem. Oogen salve (...) Verdeylt in drie Tractaten. Ibid., idem, 1645, 3 parts in 1 vol., (16),212[=206 (of 208)],(8); (12),267[=269],(5),(2 blank); 144 (of 152)p., 3 divisional titles, each w. diff. woodcut, num. (full-p.) woodcut ills. by C. VAN SICHEM II (after A. DÜRER).

- Second work lacks 2p. in part 1 and 8p. in part 3. One leaf torn w. loss of text; occas. cut sl. short in margins; sl. soiled; partly sl. waterst. Vellum sl. soiled.

= Both rare. Ad 1: BCNI 9764; only 2 copies in STCV. Ad 2: not in BCNI.

€ (80-100) 90
80/3199 La Pérouse J F G de  Ontdekkingen in de Zuidzee en berichten aangaande De la Pérouse en zijne tochtgenoten opgemaakt uit sporen van zijne reis op onderscheidene eilanden en landen der S80/3199 La Pérouse J F G de Ontdekkingen in de Zuidzee en berichten aangaande De la Pérouse en zijne tochtgenoten opgemaakt uit sporen van zijne reis op onderscheidene eilanden en landen der S
80/3199 [La Pérouse, J.F.G. de]. Ontdekkingen in de Zuidzee, en berichten aangaande De la Pérouse en zijne tochtgenoten, opgemaakt uit sporen van zijne reis, op onderscheidene eilanden en landen der Stille Zee gevonden; alsmede aangaande een groot eiland thans door Fransche Vluchtelingen bevolkt. Uit het Fransch vertaald. Haarlem, F. Bohn, 1799, (2),480p., engr. portrait by R. VINKELES, large fold. map, contemp. boards w. paper letterpiece.

- Very fine copy.

= Sabin 38969; Ferguson 295; cat. NHSM, I, p.141. Dutch translation of the imaginary Découvertes dans la mer de sud. Cf. Forbes 285, Kroepelien 283 and Imaginary Voyages 62, all listing the first French edition published in 1798. "The disappearance of La Pérouse led to intense speculation in France, and many writers used the mystery as the catalyst for fantastic Utopian accounts of the crew's possible survival in the South Seas. This work claims to be printed from a letter written by a French traveller who, in 1793, joins a Portuguese expedition of four vessels to the South Seas. Although much of the book is dedicated to the description of a Utopian community composed of refugees from the French Revolution and the Terror, it also sets out to explain the mysterious disappearance of La Pérouse, missing since at least 1790." (Imaginary Voyages). Very rare complete copy. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXX.

€ (300-500) 300
80 3200 Langendyk P 80 3200 Langendyk P
80 3200 Langendyk P 80 3200 Langendyk P
80/3200 Langendyk, P. De gedichten. Amst., Widow B. Visscher, 1721/ Haarlem, J. Bosch, 1751-1760, 1st/ 2nd ed., 4 vols., engr. frontisp., 4 diff. title-vignettes, 2 portraits by J. HOUBRAKEN, 7 (fold.) plates (3x w. Haarlem coins), contemp. unif. blindst. vellum, 4to.

- Three vols. endpapers mouldy, not affecting contents; one vol. partly sl. browned. Bindings sl. soiled.

€ (80-100) 80
80 3201 Lannoy J C de 80 3201 Lannoy J C de
80/3201 Lannoy, J.C. de. Dichtkundige werken. Leyden, A. and J. Honkoop, 1780, (2),VIII,248,(5)p., engr. title by N. VAN DER MEER JR. after J. BUYS, portrait of the author by J. HOUBRAKEN, dec. endpapers, contemp. gilt red hcalf w. letterpiece.
€ (50-70)
80 3202 Lannoy J C de 80 3202 Lannoy J C de
80 3202 Lannoy J C de 80 3202 Lannoy J C de
80/3202 Lannoy, J.C. de. Nagelaten dichtwerken./ Lijkdichten op den dood van jongvrouwe Juliana Cornelia, baronesse de Lannoy. Leyden, A. en J. Honkoop, 1783-1784, 2 parts in 1 vol. w. continuous pagination, (12),160,(7)p., 2 diff. engr. titles by R. VINKELES after W. BILDERDIJK, portrait of the author by J. HOUBRAKEN after N. RODE, contemp. gilt hcalf w. mor. letterpiece.

- Portrait loose; second title sl. waterst. Extremities worn; top of spine chipped.

Vloten, J.M. van, under pseud. Ultrajectinus. Vaerzen. Pro Patria et Libertate. Utr., S. de Waal, 1784, 88,(2)p., engr. title-p., later gilt cl.

- Cloth sl. faded; otherwise fine. = Rare. Van Doorninck/ De Kempenaer 601.

€ (60-80) 60
80 3203 Law  Bort P 80 3203 Law Bort P
80/3203 [Law]. Bort, P. Alle de Wercken (...) Begrepen in ses Tractaten, Waer-in in 't breede verhandelt werden I. Het Hollandts Leen-recht, II. Proceduyren in Criminele Saecken te houden, III. De Domeynen van Hollandt, IV. De Hooge- en Ambachts-Heerlijckheden, V. Complaincte, ende VI. d'Arresten. The Hague, A. Leers, 1681, 1st ed., 6 parts in 1 vol., woodcut printer's mark, fold. engr. portrait of the author, contemp. blindst. vellum, folio.

- Fine. = Dekkers p.22, 4.

BOUND WITH: Idem. De nagelate werken van mr. Pieter Bort (...). Utr., H. Besseling, 1745, (16),325,(1)p.

- Fine. = Dekkers p. 22, 5.

€ (100-150)
80 3204 Law  Bort P 80 3204 Law Bort P
80/3204 [Law]. Bort, P. Alle de Wercken (...). The Hague, J. van Velsen, 1688, 2nd ed., 6 parts in 1 vol., woodengr. printer's mark, fold. engr. portrait of the author, contemp. blindst. vellum, folio.

- Fold. edge of portrait (sl.) foxed and w. sm. stain on face; library stamp on title and free endpapers; contemp. owner's entry on free endpaper. Vellum of backcover sl. warped; sm. scratch on front cover.

= Dekkers p.22, 4.

€ (100-150) 100