2685 - 3623     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 25 of 47 Results 481 - 500 of 939
80 3165 Indonesia  Spilbergen J van 80 3165 Indonesia Spilbergen J van
80 3165 Indonesia  Spilbergen J van 80 3165 Indonesia Spilbergen J van
80/3165 [Indonesia]. Spilbergen, J. van. Historis Journael van de Voyage gedaen met 3 Schepen uyt Zeelant naer d'Oost-Indien onder het beleyt van den Commandeur Joris van Spilbergen, syn eerste Reyse. Inden jare 1601. 1602. 1603. 1604. Als meede Beschryvinge vande Tweede Voyage ghedaen met 12 Schepen na d'Oost-Indien onder den Admirael Steven vander Hagen. Amst., J. Hartgers, 1648, 96p., woodcut ill. on title, fold. engr. plate w. 6 ills., later vellum w. large blindst. ornament on both covers.

- New endpapers; bookplate of D. Dunlop on upper pastedown; title-p. and plate reattached along inner margin.

= Tiele 1022; Landwehr, VOC 251 and 198; Cox I, p.30; Rouffaer/ Muller, p.53.

€ (400-600) 400
80 3166 Islam  Galland J C 80 3166 Islam Galland J C
80/3166 [Islam]. Galland, J.C. Recueil des rits et cérémonies du pelerinage de la Mecque; auquel on a joint divers Ecrits relatifs à la Réligion, aux Sciences & aux Moeurs des Turcs. Amst./ Paris, Desaint & Saillant, 1754, VIII,215,(1)p., contemp. marbled calf w. gilt spine.

- Title-p. sl. yellowed and foxed. Upper joint splitting at (sl. rubbed) spine-ends. Otherwise fine.

= Gay 3639; Blackmer 643; Atabey 470. Scarce.

€ (300-500) 300
80 3167 Italy  Blanc T 80 3167 Italy Blanc T
80 3167 Italy  Blanc T 80 3167 Italy Blanc T
80/3167 [Italy]. Blanc, T. Abrégé de l'histoire de la royale maison de Savoye. Turin, Derossi, 1778, 3 parts in 1 vol., 184,(2); (2),147,(1); (2),152p., engr. coat of arms of the Savoy family on title, contemp. calf w. richly gilt spine and mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Sl. yellowed. Binding sl. worn along extremtities. = Rare 4to edition.

€ (70-90)
80 3168 Italy  Machiavelli N 80 3168 Italy Machiavelli N
80/3168 [Italy]. Machiavelli, N. Het tooneel van Italien, Geopend in de Historie van Florence (...). Als mede den gantschen Staat van Italien, En wel bezonder Het Staatendom van den Paus, het Koningryk van Napels, het Gemeene best van Venetien, en het Hertogdom van Milanen. Waar achter is bygevoegt het Leven van Castruccio Castricani. Dutch transl. D. Ghys. The Hague, E. Boucquet, 1703, 2 vols., (32),378,(24); (2),418,(19)p., engr. frontisp. and 12 plates, contemp. calf, sm. 8vo.

- Frontcover w. a few stains. A fine copy.

= De historische en politique werken, vol. 1 and 2. Bertelli/ Innocenti, Bibl. Machiavelliana XVIII, 5. Not in Scheepers, Muller, De Vries etc.

€ (200-300) 240
80 3169 Italy  Pinelli B 80 3169 Italy Pinelli B
80/3169 [Italy]. Pinelli, B. Nuova Raccolta di cinquanta Costumi pittoreschi. Rome, N. de Antoni and I. Pavon, 1816, engr. calligraphed title-p. and 50 etched plates, each ±20x27,7 cm., signed "Pinelli Fece 1815 Roma" and titled and numbered in the plate, contemp. hvellum w. gilt spine and red mor. letterpiece, obl. folio.

- Sl. foxed, mostly in blank margins; library stamp "Bibliotheek Pulchri" on title-p. and plates 1, 21 and 28; inventory number on title-p.; bookplate on upper pastedown. Binding sl. dam. along edges; paper ticket on spine.

= Lipperheide Ja 16; Hiler & Hiler, p.667; Colas 2378. The plates documenting the costume and various scenes in and about Rome, including festivals, the wine harvest, young men serenating a woman, a magic lantern show, a puppet show, and numerous local costumes and games.

€ (250-350) 250
80 3170 Italy  Rogissart A de 80 3170 Italy Rogissart A de
80 3170 Italy  Rogissart A de 80 3170 Italy Rogissart A de
80 3170 Italy  Rogissart A de 80 3170 Italy Rogissart A de
80/3170 [Italy]. (Rogissart, A. de). (Les délices de l'Italie). (Leyden, P. van der Aa, 1709), 2 (of 6) parts in 1 vol., 106; 209,(131)p., 2 diff. engr. frontisp., 64 (fold.). (bird's eye) views/ plans and plates, modern gilt hcl.

- Lacks both div. title-p. Sl. yellowed and occas. trifle foxed.

= Schudt p.173. Attractive views, intended for "(...) ceux qui voudront voïager dans ce beau païs; (...) ceux qui y ont deja été: & enfin (...) ceux qui ne l'ont jamais vû (...)" (preface to the absent first vol.).

€ (200-300) 230
80 3171 Italy  Rubeis F de Franchis V de Bottis J A de a o 80 3171 Italy Rubeis F de Franchis V de Bottis J A de a o
80 3171 Italy  Rubeis F de Franchis V de Bottis J A de a o 80 3171 Italy Rubeis F de Franchis V de Bottis J A de a o
80/3171 [Italy]. Rubeis, F. de, Franchis, V. de, Bottis, J.A. de, a.o. Consuetudines Neapolitanae, Una cum Novis Additionibus. Venice, P. Dusinelli, 1588, (54),396p., 24 lvs., sl. later mottled calf w. gilt spine, large 4to.

- Partly sl. wormholed, otherwise a fine copy. Rare.

€ (200-300) 220
80 3172 Italy  Tessaurus Fossanensis A 80 3172 Italy Tessaurus Fossanensis A
80/3172 [Italy]. Tessaurus Fossanensis, A. Novae Decisiones Sacri Senatus Pedemontani. Turin, J.D. Tarinus, 1609, (10),230,(9) lvs., large woodcut printer's mark, contemp. vellum, folio.

- Binding worn along edges; joints splitting at spine-ends.

€ (80-100) 100
80 3173 Italy Venice  Amelot de la Houssaie  A N  80 3173 Italy Venice Amelot de la Houssaie A N
80 3173 Italy Venice  Amelot de la Houssaie  A N  80 3173 Italy Venice Amelot de la Houssaie A N
80 3173 Italy Venice  Amelot de la Houssaie  A N  80 3173 Italy Venice Amelot de la Houssaie A N
80/3173 [Italy. Venice]. Amelot de la Houssaie, (A.N.). Historie der Regeering van Venetien, En Ondersoek van desselfs Oorspronkelijke Vryheid, Met een Vervolg of Geschiedenis der Uscoquen. (...) Met een harangue van Louys Helian. Dutch transl. D.G. Amst./ Leyden, D. van Dalen/ widow H. van Damme, 1700, 1st Dutch ed., 2 vols., (30),619,(60 index); 473,(15)p., engr. title and 8 fold. plates, contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- The plate w. the Sposalizio del Mare w. tears in folds into image; blank margins of the plates of San Marco square sl. frayed. Otherwise a very fine copy.

= Cf. Brunet VI, p.1434 (other eds.). Extremely rare first Dutch edition of the famous analysis of the Venetian state and of the reasons for its decadence. Amelot de la Houssaie was imprisoned for the work, published a second edition with a supplement immediately after his release (after six weeks of imprisonment), which was suppressed. Nevertheless the work became immensely popular and passed through twenty-two editions in three years' time. Containing strong impressions of the fold. plates of i.a. Piazza San Marco, Sala del Maggior Consiglio inside the Palazzo Ducale, the Sposalizio del Mare (Marriage of the Sea, a ceremony which symbolized the maritime dominion of Venice, traditionally celebrated on Ascension Day) and 2 costume plates. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVII.

€ (400-600) 550
80 3174 Jansenism  Codde P 80 3174 Jansenism Codde P
80/3174 [Jansenism]. Codde, P. Declaration apologetique. Utr., T. van den Eynden, 1707, 213,(2)p., contemp. vellum.

- Pastedowns loose(ning); partly sl. browned. Spine sl. darkened.

= As archbishop of Utrecht, Petrus Codde (1648-1710) was twice accused of Jansenist sympathies and eventually felt it necessary to defend himself in person before the Pope in 1697. His attempt proved ineffective and couldn't prevent his suspension in 1702 and his dismissal two years later. In the Dutch Republic, these events caused discord between the anti-Jansenists and the more moderate catholics, eventually leading to the schism of Utrecht and origin of the independent Oudkatholieke Kerk in 1723.

€ (100-150)
80/3175 Jansenism  Les constitutions du monastère de Port Royal du S Sacrement 80/3175 Jansenism Les constitutions du monastère de Port Royal du S Sacrement
80/3175 [Jansenism]. Les constitutions du monastère de Port Royal du S. Sacrement. Mons, G. Migeot (= Amst., D. Elzevier), 1665, (18),528,(1)p., woodcut printer's mark, contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo.

- Pastedowns detached. Backstrip darkened.

= Willems 1353 ("impression fort soignée"); Rahir 1404; Copinger 1083; Willaert 3232. "Rédigées par la mère Agnes Arnould, la mère Euphémie Pascal et la soeur Gertrude. l'Édition (...) est jolie et recherchée." (Berghman).

€ (70-90)
80 3176 Japan  Kaempfer E 80 3176 Japan Kaempfer E
80 3176 Japan  Kaempfer E 80 3176 Japan Kaempfer E
80 3176 Japan  Kaempfer E 80 3176 Japan Kaempfer E
80/3176 [Japan]. Kaempfer, E. De Beschryving van Japan, behelsende een verhaal van den ouden en tegenwoordigen Staat en Regeering van dat Ryk, van deszelfs Tempels, Paleysen, Kasteelen en andere Gebouwen; van deszelfs Metalen, Mineralen, Boomen, Planten, Dieren, Vogelen en Visschen. Van de Tydrekening, en Opvolging van de Geestelyke en Wereldlyke Keyzers (...). The Hague/ Amst., P. Gosse, J. Neaulme and B. Lakeman, 1729, 1st Dutch ed., (2),50,500p., engr. title, 48 fold./ double-p. engr. maps, plates and plans, contemp. calf, folio.

- Halftitle, title and frontisp. professionally restored and reattached; a few text-pages sl. stained; new endpapers. Professionally restored binding w. use of contemp. leather.

= LARGE PAPER copy. Landwehr VOC, 531; Cordier Bibl. Japonica, p.417f; Alt-Japan Katalog 717; DSB p.204ff; Howgego p.562; Henze III, p.3-6; cat. NHSM p.233; Tiele 584; Rouffaer/ Muller p.440; cf. Wellcome III, p.376. "Kaempfer's Werk ist das erste auf Autopsie und Quellenauswertung beruhende Grundwerk über Japan" (Henze); "Kaempfer arrived in Java in October 1689. The following year he was appointed to accompany the annual voyage to Japan of the East India Company as a physician. He remained in Nagasaki from September 1690 to October 1692 and twice accompanied the chief of the factory at Deshima on his embassy to Edo (now Tokyo). In Nagasaki he made a profound study of Japanese history, geography, customs, and flora. (...). The History of Japan (1727) [of which our copy is the translation] was for more than a century the chief source of Western knowledge of the country. It contains the first biography of Kaempfer, an account of his journey, a history and description of Japan and its fauna, a description of Nagasaki and Deshima; a report on two embassies to Edo with a description of the cities which were visited on the way; and six appendixes, on tea, Japanese paper, acupuncture, moxa, ambergris, and Japan's seclusion policy (...)." (DSB). SEE ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE CXXII.

€ (3.000-4.000)
80 3177 Japan  Montanus A 80 3177 Japan Montanus A
80 3177 Japan  Montanus A 80 3177 Japan Montanus A
80/3177 [Japan]. Montanus, A. Gedenkwaerdige gesantschappen der Oost-Indische Maetschappy in 't Vereenigde Nederland, aen de Kaisaren van Japan: Vervatende Wonderlyke voorvallen op de Togt der Nederlandsche Gesanten: Beschryving Van de Dorpen, Sterkten, Steden, Landtschappen, Tempels, Gods-diensten, Dragten, Gebouwen, Dieren, Gewasschen, Bergen, Fonteinen, vereeuwde en nieuwe Oorlogs-daaden der Japanders. Amst., J. Meurs, 1669, (8),456,(15)p., engr. frontisp., 1 fold. map, 24 fold./ double-p. plates, 71 ills., contemp. blindst. vellum w. modern mor. letterpiece, ties, folio.

- New endpapers; 19th cent. owner's entry on frontisp. and 1 plate. Binding restored.

= Rare complete copy of this richly illustrated work, with beautiful early views of i.a. Edo, Kyoto, Osaka, Kagoshima, Deshima, Batavia, volcano eruptions and a fine map. Cordier p.385; Alt-Japan Kat. p.1049; Tiele 762; Lipperheide Lf1; Landwehr, VOC 522. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXVIII.

€ (3.000-5.000)
80 3178 Japan  Overmeer Fisscher J F van 80 3178 Japan Overmeer Fisscher J F van
80 3178 Japan  Overmeer Fisscher J F van 80 3178 Japan Overmeer Fisscher J F van
80 3178 Japan  Overmeer Fisscher J F van 80 3178 Japan Overmeer Fisscher J F van
80 3178 Japan  Overmeer Fisscher J F van 80 3178 Japan Overmeer Fisscher J F van
80/3178 [Japan]. Overmeer Fisscher, J.F. van. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het Japansche Rijk. Amst., J. Müller & Comp., 1833, VII,(3),320p., 15 handcol. and gommé lithogr. plates on chine collé (incl. frontisp.), contemp. richly gilt and dec. calf by J.H. PEETERS, a.e.g., 4to.

- Upper joint starting; frontcover partly sunned. Fine copy.

= Copy of the DELUXE EDITION on better paper with ample margins and splendidly coloured lithographs. Alt-Japan Katalog 1098; Cordier 490; Landwehr, Dutch Books w. Col. Plates 385; Tiele 357. The author spent 9 years in Japan (Deshima) in the 1820s and on his return to the Netherlands in 1829 he decided to exhibit his large collection of Japanese artefacts in the Koninklijke Kabinet van Zeldzaamheden. Four years later he published the present work to much acclaim. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVIII.

€ (2.500-3.500)
80 3179 Japan  Pompe van Meerdervoort J L C 80 3179 Japan Pompe van Meerdervoort J L C
80 3179 Japan  Pompe van Meerdervoort J L C 80 3179 Japan Pompe van Meerdervoort J L C
80 3179 Japan  Pompe van Meerdervoort J L C 80 3179 Japan Pompe van Meerdervoort J L C
80/3179 [Japan]. Pompe van Meerdervoort, J.L.C. Vijf jaren in Japan. (1857-1863). Bijdragen tot de kennis van het Japansche keizerrijk en zijn bevolking. Leyden, Van den Heuvell & Van Santen, 1867-1868, 2 vols., XII,335,(1); VI,357p., 12 col. lithogr. plates, 2 uncol. lithogr. plates and a fold. tinted lithogr. map, later hcl.

- Mostly trifle foxed, a few lvs. worse; some plates trifle/ sl. foxed. Modern photocopies of the title-pages mounted on frontcovers (but can probably easily removed).

= Cordier p.588; Wenckstern p.48; Landwehr, Dutch Books with Coloured Plates 395; Tiele 873; Cat. NHSM I, p.237. Rare work in which the Dutch doctor of medicine Pompe van Meerdervoort describes his activities and the developments in Japan during his 5-year stay on the invitation of the Tokugawa rulers. The first six chapters of the work deal with the history and culture of the Japanese up till 1859 and their international relations. The final seventh chapter focuses on the activities of the Dutch in the period 1859-1863 and specifically on Pompe van Meerdervoort's own role as doctor and educator of a new and modern class of Japanese doctors. The plates mainly show the costumes worn by the various types of Japanese, but also include 2 nice views of the Bay of Nagasaki and the Hospital of Nagasaki, which was founded by Pompe van Meerdervoort. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVIII.

€ (1.000-1.500)
80 3180 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 80 3180 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
80 3180 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 80 3180 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
80 3180 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 80 3180 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
80/3180 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Alle de werken (...). Nógh zyn daarby gevoegt de vyf boeken van Egesippus. Dutch transl. W. Séwel. Amst., J. Oosterwyk, 1722, 3 parts in 1 vol., (34),782,(30); 113,(11)p., engr. frontisp., 2 title-vignettes, 2 fold. maps, 12 double-p. plates, 1 full-p. plate, 208 ills., the greater part by J. LUIKEN, contemp. gilt calf, large folio.

- First part sl. (water)stained in (blank) margin; contents otherwise fine. Backstrip lacks large portion (incl. letterpiece); joints starting/ splitting.

= Poortman II, p.241-243; Klaversma/ Hannema 748; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 396.

€ (150-250) 170
80 3181 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 80 3181 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
80 3181 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 80 3181 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
80/3181 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Histoire des Juifs. French transl. A. d'Andilly. Amst., Wed. Schippers and H. Wetstein, 1681, new ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (22),464; (8),465-758,(21)p., engr. title-p. and num. engr. ills., contemp. calf, folio.

- Engr. title sl. yellowed. Binding scratched and sl. worn along edges; backstrip and upper joint sl. dam.

= Fürst II, p.123; Brunet III, p.572 ("Edition recherchée à cause des gravures dont elle est ornée (...)"); Graesse III, p.483.

€ (200-300) 200
80 3182 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 80 3182 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
80/3182 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Des hoochberoemden Joodschen Histori-schrijvers Boecken / te weten vanden ouden Joodschen gheschiedenissen twintich: ende een van zijn eyghen leven. (...) Daer by ghevoecht zijn Egesippi vijf Boecken / oock handelende vande verstooringhe der stadt Jerusalem. (...) Mitsgaders alle nootwendige summarische aenteeckeninghen (...). Leyden, J. Paedts Jacobszoon, 1607, 3rd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (2),343,(15); 77,(3) lvs., woodcut printer's device, contemp. blindst. panelled calf over wooden covers, folio.

- Yellowed and fingersoiled; occas. browned; partly wormholed (mainly at the beginning and end, incl. covers); lacks pastedowns. Calf dam. (portions lacking); lacks half of backstrip; lacks clasps (catches remaining).

= Poortman IIB, p.219; Geerebaerts LIII, 5b.

€ (70-90) 70
80/3183 Judaica and hebraica  Jewish almanac for the year 1846 1847 80/3183 Judaica and hebraica Jewish almanac for the year 1846 1847
80/3183 [Judaica and hebraica]. (Jewish almanac for the year 1846-1847). Amst., Van Embden, (1846), (30),62,(2)p., Hebrew text, with Jewish calendar, contemp. boards, 16mo.

- Occas. cut sl. short in top margin; backstrip sl. worn. Fine.

€ (40-60) 70
80 3184 Judaica and hebraica  Kirchner P C 80 3184 Judaica and hebraica Kirchner P C
80 3184 Judaica and hebraica  Kirchner P C 80 3184 Judaica and hebraica Kirchner P C
80/3184 [Judaica and hebraica]. Kirchner, P.C. Jüdisches Ceremoniel, oder Beschreibung dererjenigen Gebräuche, welche die Juden sowol inn- als ausser dem Tempel, bey allen und jeden Fest-Tägen, im Gebet, bey der Beschneidung, bey Hochzeiten, Auslösung der Erst-Geburt, im Sterben, bey der Begräbnüss und dergleichen, in acht zu nehmen pflegen. Nürnberg, P.C. Monath, 1724, (10),226,(18)p., engr. double-p. title, frontisp. and 28 double-p. plates (the engr. title calls for 27 plates), contemp. hvellum, sm. 4to.

- First leaf of index lacks upper half; foxed. Spine-ends dam.; paper over boards partly worn off.

= Roest I, p.638; Fürst II, p.190; Lipperheide Oc 20; Hiler 500. The detailed plates, mainly by Puschner, depicting Jewish ceremonies, festivals, rituals.

€ (300-500)