= Cf. KVCS, p.718, no. 68.
AND 8 other late 19th cent. catchpenny prints and 9 chromolithogr. plates of butterflies, insects, fish etc., also partly framed.
- Professionally doubled/ restored. = From the collection of P.J. and L. Buijnsters-Smets.
= KVCS, p.806, Q.
"Wie stelt der Menschen oefning perk, Als zij, door Kunst en Handenwerk, Al wat hen nodig is verzorgen (...)". Catchpenny print w. 12 woodcut ills. by OORTMAN, each w. a 4-line caption, numb. "La.E", Amst, H. van Munster en Zoon, w. the seal of the "Maatschappij tot nut van 't algemeen" in upper margin, early 19th cent..
= KVCS p.806, E.AND 7 others, all publ. by the same, i.a. "Dat Gij, ô Jeugd! in deze print, Alhier u zelve spelend vindt!" (KCVS, p.806, T.); "Hier kunt gij Voor- en Tegenspoed, Van twee opregte, brave Liën, van Hendrik en van Anna zien (...)" (KVCS p.806, V) and "Voorbeelden van Edelmoedige, Menschlievende en Grootmoedige Bedrijven (...)" (KVCS p.806, Z).
- Formerly folded w. repair in middle; sl. yellowed.
= KVCS, H. van der Putte, p.783 (80). Very rare print, from a 17th cent. block. From the collection of P.J. and L. Buijnsters-Smets.
- Creased; right blank corners torn off.
AND 1 other.
- Folded twice w. large tear in fold and w. some tears along edges.
= KVCS p.749 (Glenisson 100); De Meyer p.141, no.100. The image shows Sinterklaas on his horse in the street, and twice on the rooftops..
"Het leven en de bedrijven van Sint Nicolaas." Catchpenny print w. 12 stencil col. woodcuts, letterpress captions below and "N.111" in upper right corner, Turnhout, Glenisson en Zonen, ±1850.
- Frayed/ lacks parts of blank corners, occas. affecting the image.
= KVCS p.749 (Glenisson 111); De Meyer p.141, no.111.
AND 4 others similar, i.a. "Sint Nicolaas te paard gezeten" (n.pl., ±1890, 1 large handcol. woodcut ill.) and "St. Nicolaasprent No.139" (Haarlem, ±1890, large col. lithogr. ill.). - ADDED: 13 miscell. catchpenny prints from the series Nieuwe Nederlandsche Kinderprenten.
- Folded. = Cf. KVCS p.840 (T.J. Wijnhoven en Hendriksen 54).
AND 2 other contemp. handcol. 19th cent. catchpenny prints of Sinterklaas.
- Folded twice (w. a few straight creases along horizontal fold). = KVCS, p.792, no.53.
"Als 't Koning, Vaderland of Vrijheid, moge gelden, wordt Nederlandsch volk soldaat en zijn soldaten helden." Catchpenny print w. 12 woodcut ills. by ?, each w. one-line caption, "No.3", Breda, Broese en Comp., first half 19th cent.
- Folded once. = KVCS p.785, under Hollingerus Pijpers en Broese & Co., no.3.
AND 2 others, both publ. Gorcum, J. Noorduijn, mid 19th cent., i.a. "Hier ziet gij menig schoon taf'reel van trouw, beleid en moed En hoe ons dierbaar Vaderland door God soms wordt behoed" (catchpenny print w. 12 woodcut ills., numb. "G"). - ADDED: a copy in reverse of "Bonus Pastor cum Vitae Discrimine Oves Tuetur (...)" (engr. after M. DE VOS by ?, 23,3x31,8 cm., w. "Isack Houwens Excudit" engr. in the plate, and w. four 4-line engr. verses below image. Rare).
- Lacks lower right blank corner; sl. browned.
= Fine oval equestrian portrait within elaborate decorated border, i.a. w. military objects. KVCS, p.812.
"Zoo wel op 't Paard als op de Koord, juist te Springen zoo het behoord. Kunst-paard-ryders." Catchpenny print, 1 thumb col. woodcut, Rott., Gebroeders Thompson, first half 19th cent.
- Waterstained. = KVCS no.124.
- Fine copy.
= Buijnsters-Smets p.98 (w. ill. on p.99). From the collection of P.J. and L. Buijnsters-Smets.
- Slightly frayed; with large tear in image. = Not in Buijnsters-Smets.
ADDED: 8 others, a similar "Kermis prijs" within borders celebrating Michiel de Ruyter (19th cent.; Not in Buijnsters-Smets) and 7 unrelated miscell. catchpenny prints.
- Fine copy.
= Buijnsters-Smets p.77f (w. ill. on p.94). From the collection of P.J. and L. Buijnsters-Smets.
- Lacks portion of upper part of wreath (filled in w. pencil); folds strengthened on verso w. paper; marginal tears; crudely coloured.
= Extremely rare New Year's wish by the "Utrechtse nachtwachters" (attrib. by L. Buijnsters-Smets). Only one similar other print found by the same publisher. From the collection of P.J. and L. Buijnsters-Smets.