80 4596 Arethusa Pers Malaparte C
80/4596 [Arethusa Pers]. Malaparte, C. De ijspaarden. Dutch transl. J.P. ten Cate. Baarn, Arethusa Pers, 1980, 17,(2)p., 2 col. etchings by O. KULHÁNEK, printed in 125 numb. copies (100), orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. - AND ±20 others published by the same, i.a. L. BOUDEWIJNS, Matthäus Passion. Een novelle (1989, 1 col. etching by O. KULHÁNEK, printed in 100 numb. copies, orig. wr.); H. BLOKLAND, Vzpominka na Ludmilu Jirincovou (1987, 3 etched plates by L. JIRINCOVA, 75 numb. copies, orig. cl.).
€ (80-100) 120